Do you donate?

Are you an organ and/or blood donor?

  • I am a registered organ donor

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • I am not a registered organ donor

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • I donate my blood regularly

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • I do not donate my blood

    Votes: 5 33.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
So...does anyone here have a check mark next to their Organ Donation option on their drivers license?

Anyone donate blood on a regular basis?


I am not listed as an organ donor...I want to be but keep forgetting. As I see it, I won't be needing any of it after I'm gone and the funeral home will be puncturing all my organs for the funeral anyway :shrug:

I donate blood...not as regularly as my father, who has won awards and appeared in the local press for it, but I try.
I tried to give blood in college, but was told to come back when I weighted more than 100lbs. I'd give to the red cross now, but this Hema-Quebec can suck my nuts. The Red Cross sold that blood to the hospitals to help fund their other aid units. I've yet to see where HQ money goes.

As for organs ... regardless of what you've checked on your license, medicare card, etc .... it's your next of kin that decides. And they can, and often do overrule. The missus and Mum know what I want done.
I donate blood often. It seems like Canadian blood services calls me more than my girlfriend! Hada few fancy little cards now that tell me my blood type and such. A RH Pos.

We don't have any option to donate organs on our Drivers license. I know... I just payed $60 to get my license renewed today! Had to get a new picture after 4 years. :(

I would donate my organs though, after I'm dead they're no good to me.
I'm O-neg. They call me up when they're running low.

Often as not, though, I'll have given through a drive at work too soon to donate. I do so 3 times a year or so.
I have the donor dot on my license, with it specified that I'd be willing to donate any internal organs they could use, but not the outer shell of my body, so there will be something left to bury.
I've donated 40 or so pints of blood and enough pherisis donations to save an entire burn ward. I've done my time and no longer have the itch. I may yet one day.
I don't give away any part of my body

but who'd want it anyway?

besides I need what little of it there is
for my own uses anyway!
Started out giving blood, but it's really my plasma they're after. I'm AB pos, and although my blood can only got to those with the same type, my plasma is universal. I stop by regularly, and should I forget, then they'll give me a call.
I'm O+ afaik, and I don't donate my blood.

As for organs, I will, even my license says so.
i used to give blood regularly, but havent in some time.
as far as body parts, my family knows to let them take whatever they want. i wont be using them anymore.
I'll let whoever needs my organs have them, why should I keep them at that point? My whole immediate family has agreed to this as well, but my mother's will probably not be accepted with her history. I've never dontaed blood or even know what my blood type is (I know I should know, but every time they've taken blood from me before I've asked them to let me know and they never do), plus the nearest place they run blood drives isn't really within walking distance, especially if lightheaded.
All women in this country who have children are blood typed during pregnancy. I'm A+ but not elligable to donate blood cos I had a transfusion when my daughter was born, which was within the 10 year period before they screened all blood for the human form of mad cow disease... which makes a better excuse than the fact that I'm shit scared of having my blood taken anyway.

I do carry a donar card but whether I'd be excluded for the same reason I don't know. As far as I'm concerned I won't need them when I'm gone and I doubt it'll make much difference at the crematorium.