I've heard this arguement before...lesbiens give better orgasms because they know how women feel. Without putting too blunt a point on it...that's a load of merde.
I know women (believe me...I've been at it for over 20 years now)...and no two women are alike in what pleases them, their rythm, their pace, their sweet spots, likes and dislikes. None...
Women are beautiful and unique like snowflakes!!
To say that you can pleasure a woman better because you are a woman is a falacy. You know what you like...and can only assume the rest. Everything else is trial and error.
Hell....I'd go so far as to say that I know MORE about the female genitalia than most women do...especially their own...and it means SFA when the pants are down. Nada! If it did...Gynocologists would have dates lined up around the corner!