do you make your bed?


New Member
not me....i can mom had me making my bed every morning with hospital corners when i was but 6...she was very particular about the bed being made...then i was in the navy...they are particular about beds being made now i only make the bed when i change the sheets or there is company coming......what about you?
bah... I barely even make a pretense of sweeping the beer cans and old laundry over enough to make a big enough space to rat hole for the night.
I'm sort of sporadic with my bed making. Sometimes I make it up before I head out to work, other days it stays unmade until I get home and get ready for bed. :sleep2:

I definitely make it up when company is coming or if I have changed the sheets...
Make my bed every morning -God forbid something happen and someone came inthe house for a reason and my bed was not made.... :lol2:
is it really possible to change the sheets w/o making the bed. seems to me it would be more work to not make the bed.
Me and the missus make our bed every morning....

I used to not, but it's just become a kind of ritual thing now.
I can't remember the last time I made the bed. I just never take the time to.

I came this close to saying, "I didn't make my bed. I bought it."
I figured it would be too hard to top my joke in the RW forum about Strom Thurmond keeping his black lovers and white lovers segregated.
I used to always make my bed as soon as I got up.

Unfortunately nowadays there's often a big hairy man still snoring in the middle of it when i haul myself out, so the habit's rather lapsed :D
I always get left to make the bed. ^ always buggers off and claims that as I was the last person in it I should do it...

And btw, I'm not THAT hairy!
do you make your bed?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I'm not always the last one out of it. My wife is the same way, though. Not really an important question at our house.
The only time I ever made my bed was after an overnight shift at the ambulance corps, but mostly only because it wasn't my bed.