Do You smoke? Brand?

Winky said:
Dood you are having a hard time even on the patch?

You are still gettin' yer nic fix!
That's what I don't know.
They are 21mg. I don't know what my normal intake was.
I do ok about 50% of the time.
When I've tried to quit cold turkey, I'd actually shake part of the time,
like trying to quit drinking, or cocaine/heroin use, but I don't get that bad with the patch.
catocom said:
Damn Gato, you're smashing my hope. :lloyd:
I'm just on day 5, using the 21mg patches, and I'm still having some rough moments.
I only smoked 1-20pck a day. I must be a deeep inhaler. :nerd:

I don't know if I can make it 21 days if it doesn't get any easier before then.

I have quit before, and it didn't seem that bad, but I was 15 years younger. :alienhuh:

Since you're on the patch, you shouldn't be getting the withdrawal. Have you ever had a problem with your blood pressure?
catocom said:
Damn you!
I've got 2oz of BCA (Black Cavendish) that's been screaming
at me for 3 days now. I know though that it'd just make me want a cig though,
and I probably wouldn't be able to hold it back. :crying4:

Sorry, sorry. Be strong.
No worries chic. It's not near as bad as some of the other stressful stuff around here. ;)

Gato_Solo said:
Since you're on the patch, you shouldn't be getting the withdrawal. Have you ever had a problem with your blood pressure?
No blood pressure problems that I'm aware of.

I'm thinking I should probably see a doc, and get some prescription patches or something. :confused:
catocom said:
No worries chic. It's not near as bad as some of the other stressful stuff around here. ;)

No blood pressure problems that I'm aware of.

I'm thinking I should probably see a doc, and get some prescription patches or something. :confused:

Are you allergic to anything? Could be your allergies working on you, too. :shrug:
Nope, no allergies that I know of.

I've been talking with some other people that have quit on the patch system,
and none of them are having the symptoms I'm having.
It's like cold turkey...almost. Somethings just not right.

I think I'm gonna have a smoke, and call the doc first thing Monday, and see
about getting something else.

Edit: Oh, I do have 2 types of hepatitis. That may have something to do with it. :confused:
there is the psychological withdrawal to consider too. could be mild anxiety caused by not having the smoke.
The non-smoker is considerably more vulnerable to the toxic effect of nicotine than the addicted tobacco user; it would take about five times the amount of nicotine sulfate to kill a heavy smoker than a non-smoker, whose organism has not grown accustomed to a regular input of the poison.
Pure nicotine sulfate is marketed {in liquid form} by chemical suppliers for use a variety of insect poisons. Just a few drops of this fluid would be fatal to an adult human. Nicotine sulfate has been used by numerous assassins, usually by serving it to their victims in coffee to obscure its distinctive taste. If introduced directly under the skin, just a few milligrams, would have the same deadly effect as an equal amount of potassium cyanide.
Be careful with them patches, Boy!
Which of the following poisons is the most deadly?

1. Arsenic

2. Strychnine

3. Nicotine

If you guessed # 3, you are correct. The lethal dosage for a 150 pound adult is 60 mg. The lethal dosage for # 2 is 75 mg and the lethal dosage for # 1 is 200 mg. In other words, nicotine is three times as toxic as arsenic and one and one half times as toxic as strychnine.
Gato_Solo said:
It's not the oxygen. It's the withdrawal symptoms from the nicotine. It'll pass at around 20 weeks...depending on how much of a smoker you were, and provided you don't light one up before then. How much did you smoke per day?

Between 10 - 20, Marlboro lights. Ive found the source of the headaches, pulled a muscle in my back and the tightness is causing me to get headaches when I strain my neck.
Winky said:
Be careful with them patches, Boy!
Which of the following poisons is the most deadly?

1. Arsenic

2. Strychnine

3. Nicotine

If you guessed # 3, you are correct. The lethal dosage for a 150 pound adult is 60 mg. The lethal dosage for # 2 is 75 mg and the lethal dosage for # 1 is 200 mg. In other words, nicotine is three times as toxic as arsenic and one and one half times as toxic as strychnine.

Aren't all 3 found in cigarettes?
Lopan said:
Aren't all 3 found in cigarettes?

No. Strychnine isn't in it. ;) The dosage isn't high enough to kill an ant, though. That's what a lot of people don't know, or they wouldn't be so sure that ETS 'causes' anything.

Even more to the point, scientists computed what would happen if a 20-by-20-foot room with a nine-foot ceiling were filled with smoke, and then compared that exposure to the EPA's lowest published "danger" doses. Here are the results:

For the lowest level of danger for benzopyrene, you would need to have 222,000 cigarettes burning in the room.

For the lowest level of acetone, you would need to burn 118,000 cigarettes.

For the lowest level of hydrazine, you would need 14,000 cigarettes.

And for toluene, you would need a cool million smokes, all burning at the same time.

Unless, of course, you opened the door or window--then you would need more.

Just one site on ETS...
Gato_Solo said:
No. Strychnine isn't in it. ;) The dosage isn't high enough to kill an ant, though. That's what a lot of people don't know, or they wouldn't be so sure that ETS 'causes' anything.

Just one site on ETS...

Phew, only arsenic then :D Since ive given up the smell when other people smoke is horrific. Still miss it when I'm having a beer though.
Lopan said:
Phew, only arsenic then :D Since ive given up the smell when other people smoke is horrific. Still miss it when I'm having a beer though.

When I'm not smoking, which is once every two weeks, or so, I don't miss it at all, no matter what refreshing adult beverage I happen to be tasting. I just get a bit lathered being told that my habit, which is legal, is killing people, when it's not. :shrug:
catocom said:
Damn Gato, you're smashing my hope. :lloyd:
I'm just on day 5, using the 21mg patches, and I'm still having some rough moments.
I only smoked 1-20pck a day. I must be a deeep inhaler. :nerd:

I don't know if I can make it 21 days if it doesn't get any easier before then.

I have quit before, and it didn't seem that bad, but I was 15 years younger. :alienhuh:

Cease & desist immediately. Remove the patch, wait 72 unhappy hours & you'll be clean of nicotine. Then the suffering begins. The patch only prolongs the pain.
Gonz said:
Cease & desist immediately. Remove the patch, wait 72 unhappy hours & you'll be clean of nicotine. Then the suffering begins. The patch only prolongs the pain.
Patch already removed.
I'll either have to go to the doc and get some different patches,
or wait about quitting until I can devote more hours of not being
able to concentrate, because I've just got too much to do ATM,
and it's backed up even worse not from trying this time so far. :confused:

This work on the backhoe, and then the driveway pipe can't afford to be screwed up.
The point of quitting is ridding the body of nicotine (and other stuff). Nicotine is the addictive part. The sooner you stop intaking nicotine, the sooner you begin healing. Cold turkey is the best way. Buy a new video game & give up a weekend...focus on blowing stuff up instead of lighting up ;)

The inability to focus/spacey feeling lasts quite a while longer however.
My sister quit some months ago, just on the trickle-down method.
I'm going to stay cut back as much as possible until I see a doc.

I AM going to quit, and soon. :swing:
They say you have to give up loads of times before you can do it properly. Every time you give up it becomes easier. Cold turkey is the only way. Everything else is just a placebo.