do you wipe from the front or back WHY?

front to back, but i also have perfected the "hover" method in combination with the standing wipe. Public toilets scare me...

back in the day i did it with my left hand but i had surgery once that hand and i couldn't use it much for about 3 months so i started learning how to do things with my right, continues with the right hand to this day.
i ball the tp up in my hand, and as to whether i wipe back to front or front to back, it all depends on the situation, if you know what i mean. though if i just peed, i dont think it really matters. sometimes i wipe the "wotsits" and the ass-region seperately.

I can't begin to say how weird it makes me feel to see a picture thread and a thread on the specifics of (Toilet Trek) searching around Uranus looking for Klingons, gaining ground at the same time.

Now that I've wiped the tears from my eyes using a folded tissue

I wipe each part separately, thank you. Using wadded up tp on both.
I am dying in fits of laughter after reading this.

I wipe seperatly as well. I fold the paper and then scrunch it. I also have employeed the hover method in public restrooms. I hate public toilets.
Take 4-5 sheets of the paper, fold in half, wipe, fold again, wipe again, drop in bowl. Take three sheets, wipe again, check, if it's still got marks on it, fold, wipe again, drop in bowl, repeat until sheet stays white. I wipe with the left hand... my toilet seat has nicks on it from where my watch hits it.

I used to nag the ex-wife about her TP usage because she would go pee, wrap the TP around her hands 20-25 times, wipe once, and that was in lieu of washing her hands.
:tmi: multiplied by all of you

RIGHT.........and here i was sitting here reading it all until I got to your saying TMI, and thought OMG he's right, what are you thinking, now i'm sitting here thinking well do i do the left or right thing. Getting up trying to illustrate to myself, OMG you ppl sometimes get me going i'll tell ya.:grinno:
How is it that none of you wimmen wipe one, then the other?

That wasn't part of the question...I wipe each part separately...I start and the back of whichever part I'm wiping and wipe towards the front of it. If I'm wiping the ass region then I stop before I get to the 'wotsits' and wipe those with a clean piece of tissue (also from front to back though, starting in front of the ass region and coming forward). Is that enough detail for you? :p