Does one have to be black to be African/American?

I'll answer this a quickly and painlessly as possible, and give my reasons. Yes.

1. This contest was about color, and those who placed the white south african there knew it was about color. They just wanted to 'make a statement'. As much as we can debate this, AT isn't all African, either. Her ancestry is blatantly European. If you doubt what I'm saying, then ask yourselves what apartheid was all about, then. ;)

2. Until all the citizens of the US can pull their heads out, and treat everyone equally, we'll have these problems. When you, yourself, can look at another person and think person instead of race, religion, or sex, then you can make all those judgements. I can't, and I admit it.

3. Just because somebody is born somewhere, that doesn't change their race.
Gato_Solo said:
I'll answer this a quickly and painlessly as possible, and give my reasons. Yes.

1. This contest was about color, and those who placed the white south african there knew it was about color. They just wanted to 'make a statement'. As much as we can debate this, AT isn't all African, either. Her ancestry is blatantly European. If you doubt what I'm saying, then ask yourselves what apartheid was all about, then. ;)

2. Until all the citizens of the US can pull their heads out, and treat everyone equally, we'll have these problems. When you, yourself, can look at another person and think person instead of race, religion, or sex, then you can make all those judgements. I can't, and I admit it.

3. Just because somebody is born somewhere, that doesn't change their race.

Well the contest is then discriminatory at more than one level, which begs the question - do they have similar contests for every other group in the outstanding neo-nazi student or outstanding polish student or outstanding albino student? Stupid little things like that serve only to enhance the divide - what the hell are they trying to prove? Do you suppose things like that would in any way assist the citizens of the US to treat everyone equally when discrimination is so blatantly encouraged? And sure, maybe those kids wanted to make a statement - a pretty good one IMO if they were wanting to say that they see no need for discriminatory compitition among students. maybe it was their way of saying that they see all students as equal.

As for my heritage, what little European there was died out hundreds of years ago, my ancestors hail from Germany, but somewhere along the lines there was some interracial 'breeding' - so does that make me more African? Knowing that I have 'black' blood mixed in with the white? As I said, I'm African - more specifically South African and if you want to nitpick I'm an Afrikaans South African African - all of these claims are true about me HERE & NOW - not based on geneaology of the distant past - I sure as hell will not be calling myself a German South African because of where my so-called roots are.

And as for apartheid, what is it that you'd like to discuss? And how does a system that I neither created nor supported tie in with my genetic make-up?
Gato Solo said:
Until all the citizens of the US can pull their heads out, and treat everyone equally, we'll have these problems. When you, yourself, can look at another person and think person instead of race, religion, or sex, then you can make all those judgements. I can't, and I admit it.

See, now you're making me sad because once upon a time I believed it was possible but have learned otherwise.
It all begs the question of who you are! What makes you, you I mean does the color of your skin, your ancestoral line, whether you pee standing or sitting really say who you are? If you asked this to any intelligent person they'd say no! Its what you do, what you support, and the children you did/didn't raise.

Who here thinks that you should have a day if your black?

Who here thinks that you should have a day if your white?

Who here thinks that you should have a day if your growing a arm out of your ass?

I mean really come on like making one race only things just so you can exclude another is complete non-sense. I guess it comes down to do onto others as you would have done onto you!
BeardofPants said:
Well, the species DOES come from out of Africa. :retard:

Actually...if you want to more specific. ALL species come from out of Africa or thereabouts. Oddly enough..we're all one's called homo sapiens sapien. Everything else is just minor variances on diversity. It's aesthetics really...
Gato_Solo said:
3. Just because somebody is born somewhere, that doesn't change their race.
Quick question. If someone has black skin and kinky hair but wasn't born in Africa, they're still black and/or Africans? What about folx living in the middle-east or Pakistan? Some of them seem to fit the bill, but they might grow unruly if you called them black or African-Pakistani.
So, if your ancestors are from africa, you are african american

from spain spanish americans?

From South American Latin americans (cause southern americans was taken?)

Isn't it all getting a little silly?

People go, are you white? nope I'm sorka pinkish


No I am not from the caucasin mountains
MrBishop said:
we're all one's called homo sapiens sapien. Everything else is just minor variances on diversity. It's aesthetics really...


We have a winner.
Paul, it comes down to (a/some/many) group(s) who are trying to divide this country into small segments. It's easier to conquer when nobody is united.


when we all learn to get along we can even drop that distinction.
Gonz said:
Paul, it comes down to (a/some/many) group(s) who are trying to divide this country into small segments. It's easier to conquer when nobody is united.


when we all learn to get along we can even drop that distinction.

well I think someone once used african canadian, but the person got laughed at to much.
Gonz said:
Paul, it comes down to (a/some/many) group(s) who are trying to divide this country into small segments. It's easier to conquer when nobody is united.


when we all learn to get along we can even drop that distinction.

Oh and technically you are US citizens......

because the americas are continents, so any one from Canada Mexico Chile Brazil...etc. are americans.

but we didn't want to take it away from you

Or give you any ideas :bolt:

manifest destiny and all that
paul_valaru said:
Oh and technically you are US citizens......

because the americas are continents, so any one from Canada Mexico Chile Brazil...etc. are americans.

but we didn't want to take it away from you

Or give you any ideas :bolt:

manifest destiny and all that

Shhh...Paul. Don't give them ideas!!! We kinda have WMDs up here, ya know?

Mind's too damn cold to invade right now and considering the average concentration time is about 10 minutes, we should be fine by the time our cities warm up again :) :bolt: