Does size really matter?


New Member
Well i can guess where this will all end up but size does matter.

Being considered reasonably tall for a woman presents certain problems. Not only do you waste shoe leather hunting the shops to find clothes that are long enough but the clothes cost a lot more (admittedly things have improved over the years but i can never find a bargain!). One of the reasons I like summer is because I can gat away with wearing 29 inch leg length and look like i am wearing 3/4 .

Big hips? if you are handy with a needle and thread that is fine otherwise you end up with a waistband with room to fit a friend. Well at least on the cold winter days you can ask a frind to hop in for a little bit of extra warmth. Though i dare say because of the extra weight it won,t last long (unless you really like it that much).

Big boobs? Well once again a big dent in your wallet and it's certainly no fun trying to find a hammock to laze about in. Where is the justice in surgery? Get implants and in most cases you end up with a pert pair with a barely visible scar underneath. Have them reduced because they are too big for your comfort, nearly knock you out when you run for the bus or you get fed up with men staring at them when you are unhappily tramping round the shops trying to find a bra with a little bit of lace, and what do you end up with? A road map of your local area (maybe slightly exaggerated but there is definately more scarring).

Oh and I know I haven.t touched on penis size. It's a delicate subject!
it depends on the area when it comes to size....

for guys down there, size does matter but it CAN be too big ;)

As for me, I'm 5 foot 6 and have a D-cup. When I get the money I'm reducing them to a B
CydCharisse said:
it depends on the area when it comes to size....

for guys down there, size does matter but it CAN be too big ;)

As for me, I'm 5 foot 6 and have a D-cup. When I get the money I'm reducing them to a B

I guess when it comes to dick size most women want to be thrilled not killed!

according to facts i read the average size is 5 1/2 inch (that's if you believe the magazines for men FHM and Maxim)
Agreed, size does matter. No matter what are you talking about.

If it is a cellphone, size matters.
Monitor, size matters.
If we talk about code, size matters.
Boobs and butt :D, size matters to me.
Penis, matters to women.
cydcharisse said:
As for me, I'm 5 foot 6 and have a D-cup. When I get the money I'm reducing them to a B
tonks said:
cyd, i feel your pain. i'd love to have a reduction.
I feel exactly the same! I'm 5'7 and am a DD. I would be happy to just get down to a C cup. :(
SexyBoo said:
I feel exactly the same! I'm 5'7 and am a DD. I would be happy to just get down to a C cup. :(
damn, ya'll got me in height. i'm a measly 5'4 and dd, any one seriously looked into the surgery? i would go down to a c cup myself.
I'm pretty big, 183 cm.. no idea what that is in feet. 6'3" or something, i dunno.
I have a lot of muscle and a pretty wide shoulders, so i usually end up buying L sized clothes.. plus, i like baggy t-shirts.
Tonks: Good choice. I prefer a small/medium C-cup myself.(On girls, not on me:lol2: )
tonks said:
damn, ya'll got me in height. i'm a measly 5'4 and dd, any one seriously looked into the surgery? i would go down to a c cup myself.

well i am 5'10 and quite buxom. i think it depends how tall you are and how you carry it. i think D or DD would be fine for me. well that seems to be the where most of the really pretty bras stop being so pretty in my experience.

i think all in all it is what you are comfortable with and are we ever satisfied?
i hate bra shopping, although lane offers some sexy dd bras. maybe if i was tall i wouldn't mind.
Luis G said:
Agreed, size does matter. No matter what are you talking about.

If it is a cellphone, size matters.
Monitor, size matters.
If we talk about code, size matters.
Boobs and butt :D, size matters to me.
Penis, matters to women.

i don't agree that all women think penis size matters. some blokes may think that the fact they are well blessed is enough and don't make much effort to please. you know the saying, it's not what you got, it's how you use it. (although if they know how to use it and have got a bit extra it can only be a bonus!)
true. but i've said it before and i'll say it again. you can't churn butter with a getting to china in a rowboat, either.
i'm a c-cup, and things dont' fit me sometimes across the chest :(
however, i have small shoulders, so sometimes things DO fit me, that otherwise wouldn't :)
tonks said:
true. but i've said it before and i'll say it again. you can't churn butter with a getting to china in a rowboat, either.


well my grandmother always says "it's not for stirring yer tea with"