Does the UN...


Too cute for words how it feels? I see a fair few folk protesting in front of the UN offices in Beirut. Chickens coming home to roost? I wonder how the UN will react to being blamed for things they don't control. The UN (and everyone else) needs to stop treating terrorist organizations as if they were sovereign nations or political entities and treat them like the criminals they are. Stop lending legitmacy to them and catch them or kill them. Never happen though, no money in it.
chcr said: how it feels? I see a fair few folk protesting in front of the UN offices in Beirut. Chickens coming home to roost? I wonder how the UN will react to being blamed for things they don't control. The UN (and everyone else) needs to stop treating terrorist organizations as if they were sovereign nations or political entities and treat them like the criminals they are. Stop lending legitmacy to them and catch them or kill them. Never happen though, no money in it.
Gotta agree 100% with ya there chic.
IMO, it will always be about the money, until the get the corrupt people out
of there, starting with Coffee....
chcr said:
and treat them like the criminals they are.

Careful. Janet El Reño may prosecute one instead of allowing their destruction. Criminal is a political hot potato.
THE UN is a waste of time and space. It has absolutely no power. It is basically controlled by the US and the five powers have ultimate power. Hence they can veto any country they hate from joining. All they do is sit on their asses all day and "encourage" and "Strongly Require" countries to make some changes via letters and phone calls. The UN is a way for the US to show the rest of the world that we are not that cold hearted.
The UN is and always has been a joke on the big scene. It is about as effective as a one-legged mule in an ass-kicking contest when nations above 10 million population or has a strong industrial/military base. It cannot make Russia, the US, Portugal, Venezuela, or even Kenya do a damn thing it isn't already inclined to do. All they are good at doing is shuffling about Canadian, Swiss, and Swede soldiers between the terse factions of Cyprus... that and pass out condoms and vitamin A to bush pygmies.
don't forget, they encourage certain blue helmet factions to rape & pillage while enriching the children of high level diplomats.
catocom said:
Gotta agree 100% with ya there chic.
IMO, it will always be about the money, until the get the corrupt people out
of there, starting with Coffee....

If you want to get corruption out Bolton has got to be one of the first to go.
spike said:
If you want to get corruption out Bolton has got to be one of the first to go.

Not quite, start by purging the liberal extreamists, that would clear out 90% plus of the Useless Nations then use the freed up real estate for a devolpement with Trump as the primary contractor...
spike said:
If you want to get corruption out Bolton has got to be one of the first to go.

highwayman said:
Not quite, start by purging the liberal extreamists, that would clear out 90% plus of the Useless Nations then use the freed up real estate for a devolpement with Trump as the primary contractor...

Sad thing is that neither of you realize that both of you are right.
spike said:
If you want to get corruption out Bolton has got to be one of the first to go.

Alan Dershowitz
I have observed Mr. Bolton's performance with regard to Israel and its conflicts with Hezbollah and Hamas. On many other fronts he has proved himself a staunch advocate of freedom and human rights — specifically in Sudan, North Korea and Cuba. Some critics have argued that Mr. Bolton is better in his public role as advocate than in his behind-the-scenes role as conciliator. But at this point in history, the United States needs a public advocate who can further its case in the court of public opinion. No one does that better than John Bolton.
Bolton is a tool.

If some said "There's no such thing as the United Staes" would that make them a good candidate for Prez?
Funny how one little letter makes such a huge difference to some people.

United nations = bad.

United nation = good.

Both are/were hogwash.
Jeebus cheeky your tirade in the first
post makes you out to be a Gonz lovin'
right-wing fanatic

simmer down boi
Winky said:
Jeebus cheeky your tirade in the first
post makes you out to be a Gonz lovin'
right-wing fanatic

simmer down boi
As I said in another thread, I look around me and draw my own conclusions. I really could not care less if someone arbitrarily decides that they're left wing or right wing or no wing at all.
well ain't it about time you grew a wing?

picked a side

made up yer mind?

before you get all up in there on yer high horsy about
how you are up wid duh independent thought and shitte

'member dat I'm the ultra right voted straight Republican ticky since 79
never met a war I didn't like yadda yadda yadda


I think it isn't the place of the government to tell a woman
she can't scrape her unborn child outta her womb
and I am a devout atheist, Republican or not!

hell many of my views tend towards the libertarian party line!

but it was John Kerry that stood up in the Presidential debate exclaiming
"I am not a liberal"
and another Liberal that exclaimed:

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman".

and cheeky that sez I refuse to be labeled a left leaning
commie bastardo

yeah keep on tellin' yerself dat
if it lets ya sleep soundly at night

a conservative is a liberal that was mugged by reality?
I have made up my mind and I won't pick a side. 99.9% of the time they're both wrong. :shrug:

Oh, and Billy Blowjob was politically one of the most conservative presidents ever. :lol:

It always boils down to "If we don't like 'em they must belong to the other guys." Not particularly accurate, but if that's the way you want to play it...
spike said:
Bolton is a tool.

If some said "There's no such thing as the United Staes" would that make them a good candidate for Prez?

Well, yea. A tool called a Diplomat. You should know of them. You seem to like their style.

"There's no such thing as the United Staes" could be verified incorrect & therefore is a stupid thing to say.
Gonz said:
Well, yea. A tool called a Diplomat. You should know of them. You seem to like their style.

"There's no such thing as the United Staes" could be verified incorrect & therefore is a stupid thing to say.

"There's no such thing as the United Nations" was stupid thing for Bolten to say then.
spike said:
"There's no such thing as the United Nations" was stupid thing for Bolten to say then.

He should have said the United Nations is an oxi-moron for the simple reason that it serves no purpose other then draining the resourses of the prosperous countries that are members...