Dogs are dumb


Major contributor!
I truly believe that dogs are actually dumber than cats. This pug here is going around in a circle trying to get to his foot. First one way, then back the other way, then back again the other way.

Ummm stop walking in a fucking circle ya idiot.
Awww, they're so cute at that age.

/me agrees that dogs are definately dumber than cats, no matter how many times my cat attacks shadows or her own tail ...
with dogs there is no middle groung either dumb as a brick or very intelligent....i have horrible luck with dogs....
Dogs don't have to hunt for food.
Dogs get taken for walks.
Dogs play frisbee.
Dogs lay around all day & do nothing.
Dogs kill whoever intrudes on their turf.

Cats do nothing.

Whose smarter?
Maybe he's just entertaining himself because you aren't. You could make some sock puppets or something. Put in a little effort, you know? ;)
Actually, we bought him one of those sock kinda thingies to put on him. He couldn't move his head or walk so we had to take it off.

Probably. But, he sure is a cute little guy.


How big will that cutie be (the dog poeple, the dog!) when it's full grown? And what kind is it?

* Rose HAS to get her husband a dog before he drives her INSANE
My younger dog figured out how to open the snack drawer and jump up on the dining room table with the chairs pushed in, while my older dog has been scaling the 7 foot face in the backyard for the past 5 years now....

mind you, these are itty Yorkshire Terriers
He's a pug. Right now (takes the dog over to the UPS scale...) he weighs just a weee bit over 6 lbs. He'll probably get to be twice that at most.

The biggest problem is that he drags crap all over the place. Shoes, socks, underwear (WTF! Hey, give me those things back ya little shit!), anything he can get his mouth around is fair game. He's really into toes. It's a mad dash to the bedroom after the morning shower to get your socks and shoes on as your toes are fair game.
That man in those pictures needs to cut his nails.

Dogs don't have to hunt for food.
Dogs get taken for walks.
Dogs play frisbee.
Dogs lay around all day & do nothing.
Dogs kill whoever intrudes on their turf.

Cats do nothing.
Whose smarter?

Cats are just amazing in that sense aren't they!!! They do next to nothing for the owner yet they garner just as much affection.