Dogs are dumb

He got real sick when he was a kitten. We had only had him for about a month or two at the time. The vet didn't think he was going to make it. He pegged the thermomitor and had to go back tot he vet's office three days straight o get injected with some fliud stuff.

Anyway, after that, the doc said he probably lost of few brain cells. Ahhh yep. He got dumb real fast. One of the things he "tries" to do is go through the crack in the door and not through the open side of the door.
I'm one of the unfortunates suffering with a really REALLY smart dog...she can open windows now...bust through the screens, open cupboards...and is plotting how to open the doggie gate i built to keep her from flying outside whenever the kids open the door.

One of her puppies' owners came over today for a visit, and hers has learned how to turn a doorknob and pull to open the door :retard:

it really is an awful feeling being outsmarted by a dog. :tardbang:
You have to wonder how dump they really are when you read something like this

PARIS (Reuters) - A French hunter was shot by his dog after he left a loaded shotgun in the trunk of his car with two dogs and one of the animals accidentally stepped on the trigger, police said Wednesday

This one was quite smart.
I wanna know why the FUCK he had animals in the TRUNK OF HIS FUCKING CAR!!!
Shhhhhh Be vewy, vewy quite. I'm hunting cats. hehehehehe
