Don Imus


molṑn labé
Staff member
Imus started the firestorm after the Rutgers team, which includes eight black women, lost the NCAA women's championship game to Tennessee. He was speaking with producer Bernard McGuirk on the air when he said "that's some rough girls from Rutgers. Man, they got tattoos ..."

"Some hardcore hos," McGuirk said.

"That's some nappy-headed hos there, I'm going to tell you that," Imus said.

Up front, I think Imus is a bore. I take very opportunity to ignore him that I can.
I was trying to ignore this. Until Reverend Al decided to call for his firing. Then, I
decided, I'd still ignore him.

Then he got suspended for two weeks & the coach told us some silly story that
failed to mention affirmitive action.

If you're gonna hire a talk show host, isn't he supposed to share his opinion? If you don't like his opinion, change the channel. Hey, listen, it's Howard Stern. I wonder what's on Fox?

Imus has always been an ass. In my younger days when I aspired to a career in radio, I listened to him as well as other established personalities to glean pointers. I learned a lot from Imus in terms of delivery and timing, but always despised his actual content.

He's out of line here. Way out of line. I hope he isn't able to asskiss his way out of it either. Sharpton and the Reverunnnd ahh-Jaackssssahhhhnnnn be damned. They'll blow it out of proportion as is their wont, but this time the target deserves it. These girls played their hearts out, advanced further in the tournament than anyone gave them a chance to go, and represented both themselves and their university with class and dignity. They don't need some airbag in search of Arbitron ratings on their case.

I personally don't care if Imus is employed next month or not. If he isn't, I do hope Al and Jesse don't get the credit for it though. They are professional coat-tail riders and IMO rank slightly below lawyers and just above pedophiles on the human scum chart. Now Imus can join them there.
Should he be shut down for having, and expressing, an opinion? Isn't that his job? Shouldn't Arbitron be the judge? If his numbers fall because of this, he'll die a slow & painless (to us) death. Wanna bet this incident just guaranteed him another successful cycle?
He can have all the opinions he wants. When they slam other people who have done nothing in this world except excel, he's crossed a line. If he's that hard up for ratings it's time to hang it up anyway.

Again, I could not care less what happens to him. I just don't want Mutt and Jeff to be able to claim moral victory because these young ladies wouldn't take his crap. They have less to do with this event than you or I. If I had my druthers, these ladies would bitchslap him at the press conference and go on with their lives.
not to mention that the imus hairdo went out of style sometime between disco and when being "goth" was stylish, both of which preceded the ascent of the mullet. maybe even before that. in fact, i'm not sure i'm old enough to properly place the imus mop.
He can have all the opinions he wants. When they slam other people who have done nothing in this world except excel, he's crossed a line. If he's that hard up for ratings it's time to hang it up anyway.

Again, I could not care less what happens to him. I just don't want Mutt and Jeff to be able to claim moral victory because these young ladies wouldn't take his crap. They have less to do with this event than you or I. If I had my druthers, these ladies would bitchslap him at the press conference and go on with their lives.


I think he's so pussy-whipped by his trophy wife (Mr. Ed's sister, IMO) he's completely lost his frickin' mind.
Should he be shut down for having, and expressing, an opinion? Isn't that his job? Shouldn't Arbitron be the judge? If his numbers fall because of this, he'll die a slow & painless (to us) death. Wanna bet this incident just guaranteed him another successful cycle?

Nappy headed ho isn't an's an insult at best. A racist slam at worst.

That's what happens when 'getting a rise out of an audience' becomes more important than actually contributing information and insight.

I blame Stern and his wanna-be shock jock followers.
I only really became aware of this guy after this latest fiasco.

Is he sick or something? He looks awfully ill.
I never listened to him. What he said was offensive, to be sure, but this is what we call "free speech" in action. If you notice, several of his sponsors have, shall we say, 'distanced' themselves from him. This is called "free enterprise". They distanced themselves from him because a rather large segment of the population was, and is, visibly upset by his free speech. Some even had the audacity to complain to said sponsors about his tirade (also free speech), which is why said sponsors removed themselves from his sponsorship. That is called 'capitalism'. All told...there is a cost for stupidity, and this is one of those costs. Is he racist? Who knows? Was what he said racist? Yes. Do I really care? No. I've heard worse from better people in my life. Besides...the loss of sponsorship is much worse than anything I could ever do...
Nappy headed ho isn't an's an insult at best. A racist slam at worst.

Yes it is. As a talk show host, he needs to say what's on his mind. He's allowed to insult & be racist. The people will deal with him in the (see Gatos thread)
I got to agree. I hear worse on a regular basis on Bill O'Reilly's show, Howard Stern when he was on public radio, comedians, Opie and Anthony, etc.

Imus' show is now cancelled on MSNBC now I think. It's completely ridiculous how this guy has been zeroed in on and crucified for a stupid throw away ill-advised remark. His apologies have not been accepted and there's talk of more limitations on what hosts are allowed to say on the air.

Imus is a mumbling old fool who nobody listens to. Why him? Why this remark?
Imus was just using the vernauclar. Trying to be down with the 'hood. After all, Luda and Too Short think it ain't no thang:


Its a ho wide world, that we livin in
feline, feminine, fantastical, women
Not all, just some
You ho who you are
Theres hoes in tha room, theres hoes in tha car
theres hoes on stage, theres hoes by tha bar
hos by near, an hos by far

Hooooooooo (Ho)
Youza Hoooooo (Ho)
Youza Hoooooo (Ho)
I said that youza hooooo (Ho)

Too Short:

You say how can I call a women a bitch?
It ain't nothing but a word like shit

Man Fuck these hoes man, ya know
(nappy ass bitch ass tramp ass sluty ass hoe)


Imus tries to be fly for a white guy:

He gives Spike Lee props:
Y'all kill me.

I'd love to see the reaction if it had been John Boy and Billy instead of Imus.

I don't like much of what Ludacris 'raps' either. I don't buy, nor have I ever bought, any of his albums. I do, however, think he should knock that shit off, but, hey, I'm old, and I get no play anymore. ;)
I hear ya, ya geezer.

Ol' Weird Harold----the funniest when I was a kid


But Cosby's still timely on the rap issue...