Don't anger the bad guys


molṑn labé
Staff member
Anti-gang legislation and police crackdowns are failing so badly that they are strengthening the criminal organizations and making U.S. cities more dangerous, according to a report being released today.

targeting gangs has increased gang, didn't someone just say that about terrorism?

Maybe we ought to just let them kill in peace.

LA Daily snooze

We should fire the DAs & hire Elliot Ness.
the ACLU and the fricken commies
lookin' out for the bad guys since
the end of the last good war
targeting gangs has increased gang, didn't someone just say that about terrorism?

Maybe we ought to just let them kill in peace.

No reason to change tactics or put any thought into it. The only way to handle this is to stick with what doesn't work obviously.
Tru dat, I say declare martial law and send
special forces death squads after them
put em all inna mass graves
then them homeys and vatos be thinkin' twice
'bout running round bangin'

You could melt down the grillz
and sell the low riders at auction to cover
the cost.
well changes Are happening in my neighborhood for the better, since some
new state laws that were passed a year ago have now been put into action, finally.
(mainly crackdown on employers, and gangs)

I'm still moving soon. (getting just a little farther up in the foothills)

Soon I'll have no more mortgage payments.....:banana:
It amazes me how so many will cower in fear from so few. And the sad part is, we could end the problem. We can't though, because it might "violate their rights". Well, fuck that. Blood, Crip, Aryan Brotherhood, Latin King, KKK, whatever you choose to hide join this crap, you forfeit your rights.

Look, if I go out and willingly join the ARGFS (American Radish Gardeners For Satan), it's pretty clear what I stand for, right? I like my radishes, and I have an afinity for the bad guy. Nobody should have to ask anything else to determine my allegiances. Same here. If you decide that a life of thuggery and crime and intimidation is for you, then by all means have at it. Just shut up when we as the standing majority decide to eliminate you and your kind.

And we could do it. If we could quit whining and sniveling and surrendering every waking second. These pieces of human filth count on that reaction from us too. So you got 30 Crips in town? Trust me, the cops know where they hang out. Send 200 riot cops in with assault rifles on meeting night. End of threat. Do you think for one second these 30 would hesitate to kill 200 average people? Call it...pest control. Kinda like Orkin, but without the sprayer.

Make no mistake, folks. These "people" have already declared war against you and me. (And before someone starts in, yes against each other too, but that ain't workin' fast enough.) Ball's in our court. Whatcha gonna do?

Me, I know where ol' buddy 12 guage is.
No reason to change tactics or put any thought into it. The only way to handle this is to stick with what doesn't work obviously.

Now if we actually addressed the problem and tried something that worked, what would we piss and moan about?
Now if we actually addressed the problem and tried something that worked, what would we piss and moan about?

Never ceases to amaze me how people demand an end to a problem, and then try to dictate to the solvers how the problem should be ended.

"You've got to stop them!" :eek:
"But, remember, those evil people have rights, so no rough stuff...":confuse2:
Never ceases to amaze me how people demand an end to a problem, and then try to dictate to the solvers how the problem should be ended.

"You've got to stop them!" :eek:
"But, remember, those evil people have rights, so no rough stuff...":confuse2:

I don't "demand" and end to the problem and you know I'm not particularly worried about the "rough stuff." When something clearly doesn't work what kind of idiot keeps trying it? War on drugs, War on terror, War on gang violence... Just so much meaningless marketing bullshit. Here's an idea. Stop it and do something else. I don't offer another solution (although I have in the past), but what we have now is clearly not a solution.

BTW, you personally rail against the anti-tobacco folks. You don't see that they've already shown you the answer to the illicit drug problem?
I don't "demand" and end to the problem and you know I'm not particularly worried about the "rough stuff." When something clearly doesn't work what kind of idiot keeps trying it? War on drugs, War on terror, War on gang violence... Just so much meaningless marketing bullshit. Here's an idea. Stop it and do something else. I don't offer another solution (although I have in the past), but what we have now is clearly not a solution.

1. My last post wasn't about you. It was about the person you quoted.
2. The reason why the Iraq action didn't work is because as soon as we started there were cries for us to stop, protesting in the street, and congressional waffling.
3. None of those are wars. They, like Iraq, are only 'police actions' with automatic weapons. Wars cause mass casualties on both sides, and are fought between standing armies.

chcr said:
BTW, you personally rail against the anti-tobacco folks. You don't see that they've already shown you the answer to the illicit drug problem?

I don't rail against the anti-tobacco folks. I rail against the marketing they use, the data they fudged, and the fact that there are more than a few of them who would legalize currently illegal substances while making tobacco a pariah. I believe thats called hypocrisy. ;)
The PC is the main thing I opposed to in war.:grumpy:

I thought this pres. said he'd let the military do their job.....
but had undue restrictions them.

Too man of our soldiers (and border patrol for that matter) being prosecuted.:thumbdn:
2. The reason why the Iraq action didn't work is because as soon as we started there were cries for us to stop, protesting in the street, and congressional waffling.

I'm sometimes really not so sure it hasn't worked perfectly, it just hasn't accomplished anything we wanted or expected it to. You keep talking about the protestors and the outcryers but none of those people were ever running it, were they? Given the horrifying fiasco that it appeared to be from day one, don't you ever suspect that maybe this was what was intended all along? Watch this space...
I'm sometimes really not so sure it hasn't worked perfectly, it just hasn't accomplished anything we wanted or expected it to. You keep talking about the protestors and the outcryers but none of those people were ever running it, were they? Given the horrifying fiasco that it appeared to be from day one, don't you ever suspect that maybe this was what was intended all along? Watch this space...

If you take a look at the past 50 years of US 'warfare', you'll notice a pattern. Not quite a slippery slope, but theres been a slow disavowment of anything remotely military by the 'cultural elite', and its been filtering down at a steadily faster rate since Vietnam. There were protestors in the streets before the Afghanistan campaign, if you recall.
1. My last post wasn't about you. It was about the person you quoted.

Your reply didn't relate in the least to what the person he quoted said. So now you're just making less sense.

2. The reason why the Iraq action didn't work is because as soon as we started there were cries for us to stop, protesting in the street, and congressional waffling.

Nope, protesting and disagreement didn't make the Iraq action not work. It was the ill-conceived plan. Scapegoating is fun though.

I don't rail against the anti-tobacco folks. I rail against the marketing they use, the data they fudged, and the fact that there are more than a few of them who would legalize currently illegal substances while making tobacco a pariah. I believe thats called hypocrisy. ;)

Well vague unsupported claims and BS generalizations are certainly helping your case there.
If you take a look at the past 50 years of US 'warfare', you'll notice a pattern. Not quite a slippery slope, but theres been a slow disavowment of anything remotely military by the 'cultural elite', and its been filtering down at a steadily faster rate since Vietnam. There were protestors in the streets before the Afghanistan campaign, if you recall.

The protestors made the administration incompetent fools! :laugh:

chcr said:
You keep talking about the protestors and the outcryers but none of those people were ever running it, were they? Given the horrifying fiasco that it appeared to be from day one, don't you ever suspect that maybe this was what was intended all along?
If you take a look at the past 50 years of US 'warfare', you'll notice a pattern. Not quite a slippery slope, but theres been a slow disavowment of anything remotely military by the 'cultural elite', and its been filtering down at a steadily faster rate since Vietnam. There were protestors in the streets before the Afghanistan campaign, if you recall.

*sigh* As there were before the Civil War (sorry, SnP, the "War of Yankee Aggression"), the Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, Korea and even the Revolutionary war. It's not new, it's not surprising, it's inevitable. It has not really changed, that's just your perception. The difference was and is that the people don't like the government lying to them. Period. It was the real lesson of Viet Nam that so many either didn't learn or want to ignore but here it is again. Think anyone will learn it this time? Chances are slim, IMO.
*sigh* As there were before the Civil War (sorry, SnP, the "War of Yankee Aggression"), the Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, Korea and even the Revolutionary war. It's not new, it's not surprising, it's inevitable. It has not really changed, that's just your perception. The difference was and is that the people don't like the government lying to them. Period. It was the real lesson of Viet Nam that so many either didn't learn or want to ignore but here it is again. Think anyone will learn it this time? Chances are slim, IMO.

I agree, but not to this extent. As for the government lying...:rofl4:...the government has lied since the elected officials found out that they could make themselves a higher class than the people who put them in power. The problem is not that the government lies. The problem is what lies you wish to make your priority.
That's right, screw the law! We don't need it.

did I say "every" one? No, I said too many.

I'm a firm believer in Most of our laws.

I'm not talking about law, I'm talking about War.
IMO "Our Citizens" should have more rights than who we are at war with.