Don't anger the bad guys

They were alright until we let Marcos run the place. :shrug: As for today, you'll have to ask Toolbox.

You don't correct a mistake by compounding your error through 'inaction' and/or indecisiveness, either. You also don't make a mess without cleaning it up. Its called courtesy and respect.

1. Well, I actually have another source than Toolbox, don't I? ;) It's an important point that we put Marcos in power though. Adds to the reasons people don't trust us. The road to hell...

2. Again, the point is that in the real world we (and others) make messes and don't clean them up constantly. How long should we let it go on before we say "enough." I maintain that it's already been more than enough and it will end up being as bad as it already is if not worse. There's no useful point in continuing. There was never a useful reason to start.
1. Well, I actually have another source than Toolbox, don't I? ;) It's an important point that we put Marcos in power though. Adds to the reasons people don't trust us. The road to hell...

That has more to do with DHS than the Phillipines, though, doesn't it?

chcr said:
2. Again, the point is that in the real world we (and others) make messes and don't clean them up constantly. How long should we let it go on before we say "enough." I maintain that it's already been more than enough and it will end up being as bad as it already is if not worse. There's no useful point in continuing. There was never a useful reason to start.

And that was my point, exactly...So you advocate f*****g up an entire country and its infrastructure, and then saying "This isn't working" and toddling off home? Sorry. I don't buy that, and niether should you...unless you also advocate the full-scale use of nuclear warheads and starting the whole region out from scratch...:devious:
So you advocate f*****g up an entire country and its infrastructure, and then saying "This isn't working" and toddling off home? Sorry. I don't buy that, and niether should you...unless you also advocate the full-scale use of nuclear warheads and starting the whole region out from scratch...:devious: was called Reconstruction. It ain't like this'd be the first time the US military went somewhere uninvited, fucked up everything in sight with or without cause, and left a bigger mess than they found and then half-assed their "reparations" for the sole good of their all-powerful centralist government. I just hope the soldiers don't start burning looting and raping like was done to us.
My friend you have a serious mental condition
you really should seek help.

If we Yanks hadn't stopped you Southereners from tearing the Union asunder
the history of the world would be far worse than it has been.

Oh and you guys lost git over it!
My friend you have a serious mental condition
you really should seek help.

Tell me something I don't already know.

If we Yanks hadn't stopped you Southereners from tearing the Union asunder
the history of the world would be far worse than it has been.

From your viewpoint I'm sure it would have...most of the Union states would have starved/frozen without our food and cotton, and the financial empires would certainly gone asunder with the tarriff differences between Bahstahn and New Orleans. However, that ain't my concern. Plus, using your logic, we'd still be British Colonies.

Oh and you guys lost git over it

And that was my point, exactly...So you advocate f*****g up an entire country and its infrastructure, and then saying "This isn't working" and toddling off home? Sorry. I don't buy that, and niether should you...unless you also advocate the full-scale use of nuclear warheads and starting the whole region out from scratch...:devious:

No, but on the other hand I don't advocate making it even worse under the pretense of trying to make it better. Seems pretty obvious to me. :shrug: It isn't working and no one seems to have a clear, implementable, real world plan for making it so. We should just continue to spend lives and tax dollars for no reason? Again, I just don't think so. It's fucked and there's no way any foreseeable administration will unfuck it. Better to walk away. I don't like it but continuing will be far worse.
No, but on the other hand I don't advocate making it even worse under the pretense of trying to make it better. Seems pretty obvious to me. :shrug: It isn't working and no one seems to have a clear, implementable, real world plan for making it so. We should just continue to spend lives and tax dollars for no reason? Again, I just don't think so. It's fucked and there's no way any foreseeable administration will unfuck it. Better to walk away. I don't like it but continuing will be far worse.

what he said. they'd be better off without our meddling - which is going nowhere - at this point.
From your viewpoint I'm sure it would have...most of the Union states would have starved/frozen without our food and cotton, and the financial empires would certainly gone asunder with the tarriff differences between Bahstahn and New Orleans. However, that ain't my concern. Plus, using your logic, we'd still be British Colonies.

I do have to admit that is a true statement. I don't know if the world would have been better if the South won or lost. I don't think anyone knows because the South (I do apologise for the wording Mike, but it is historic) did lose the war.

Many Southerners carry the attitude. I don't agree with it per se, but I can understand it. The rebel flag is a historic thing. While racists do use it, in and of itself it does not represent racism. Only Southern states as I see it. But that is me personally I am not sure how others see it.

And that was my point, exactly...So you advocate f*****g up an entire country and its infrastructure, and then saying "This isn't working" and toddling off home? Sorry. I don't buy that, and niether should you

What do you suggest Gato? I would like for the troops to come home myself, but you say that would do more harm to the area than good. I am not sure our presence there is helping anything, though I do hear that sometimes it can be useful in that it does try to stabilise the area
what he said. they'd be better off without our meddling - which is going nowhere - at this point.

Hmmm...So how do you suggest we clean up our mess? Do nothing, and let them become bitter and angry over what we did? Remember...the average Iraqi has no problem with us because we aren't killing them. The insurgents are. The second, and more important question...who is running the insurgency? Do you want them running the show there? Third and final question...Do you think our leaving will help them get back on their feet, taking into account questions one and two?
Hmmm...So how do you suggest we clean up our mess? Do nothing, and let them become bitter and angry over what we did?

they already are bitter at us for being there. If we do leave, they may hate us slightly less (doubtful as hell, I am sure it is also our foreign policies too that make them despise us). But then it could ad possibly would disintigrate into a civil war