Don't like Bush, don't trust Kerry...


Well-Known Member
Why not vote for Nader?

Nader/Camejo Campaign Hails Court Victories in Florida and Colorado
Nader Visiting Colorado Tomorrow, Florida at the End of the Month
Washington, DC: The Independent presidential campaign of Ralph Nader and Peter Miguel Camejo today hailed decisions by courts in Florida and Colorado placing their names on the ballot.

"The anti-Democratic Party should stop trying to limit voter choices through harrassment and legal technicalities and start debating the issues," said Ralph Nader.

The Nader/Camejo campaign is currently on the ballot in 36 states and in litigation in eight of those. It is also in litigation trying to get on the ballot in seven other states.

The Nader campaign will be visiting Florida at the end of the month for a nine city tour. Ralph Nader will be campaiging in Colorado tomorrow.

Looks like he's having some troubles even getting his name on the ballots... I know precious little about him. Anyone able to illuminate me?
Nader leans so far left he makes Lenin look like a republican.

His history is one of anti-business politics, under the guise of consumer protection. His two greatest claims to fame are embarrasing himself by running for Pres every 4 years and having written a book called "Unsafe at Any Speed" which some credit with killing the Corvaire in the sixties.
PuterTutor said:
He's a joke. A diversion from the real election. If I thought he had a chance at winning I still wouldn't vote for him.

That is where he really got popular, as a consumer advocate, but he was arguably not very ethical in that either.

And they don't even mention that the testing done on the Corvair all took place at the Ford Proving Grounds in Yucca, AZ. And they found it unsafe...
So...buddy helped put things like safety belts and air-bags in cars. I like him so far. :)

When you say uber-liberal, you talking on the side of the environment, the downtrodden, Mr.Average Joe...or flipped his wig liberal like free pot for all! ?
MrBishop said:
So...buddy helped put things like safety belts and air-bags in cars. I like him so far. :)

Careful. Don't forget you're talking to americans. The idea of being made to protect themselves is enough to send them rabid.
That's also an inaccurate statement. Front anchors were standard in 1962, and most manufacturers were putting in front belts in 1964. Nader's tripe wasn't published until 1965. As for airbags, GM's own testing with crash dummies did more for that cause than anything else. Nader actually may have hurt that cause while trying to help it in 1977, when he deployed a bag on an unbelted 3 YO girl. The photo wasn't all that pretty for anyone with a little imagination.

I've always felt that Nader's aim wasn't safety, it was noteriety. To paint him as a crusader for consumer rights, while popular, is probably a mistake.
I did last time. Sadly this was a wasted vote. same with this one. That is the only reason I will not. so you know Bish it is vote for the less of 2 evils.
in this case I would since it seems to be either vote for the one who is too liberal or too conservative. I think most people are in a grey area.
freako104 said:
dont lump him on us. he sure as hell aint liberal

Why does he have to be one or the other. As a country we've gotten a little too fond of trying to stick people in boxes whether they fit or not, don't you think? I disagree with Homey though. Even though some of his ideas are not particularly conservative, he is very much part of the religious right.
Although I would have to agree that not all conservatives are religous right, I think it is fair to say that the majority of the religous right are conservatives.
And I don't. Lets look at Bush himself. While not a fanatic, he is obviously immersed in christian beliefs. Yet, he's about as far away from fiscal or domestic conservativism as it's possible to get and still remain mainstream. His welfare and immigration policies alone scream that fact.

Don't confuse one with the other, folks.