Don't like Bush, don't trust Kerry...

HomeLAN said:
Front anchors were standard in 1962, and most manufacturers were putting in front belts in 1964.
My 1962 Fairlane has the anchors, and the belts have a mfg. date of 1963. Also, my parents' old 1960 F-100 pickup (sold it about 12 years ago) had belts, although I'm not sure if it had proper anchors or not.
chcr said:
Why does he have to be one or the other. As a country we've gotten a little too fond of trying to stick people in boxes whether they fit or not, don't you think? I disagree with Homey though. Even though some of his ideas are not particularly conservative, he is very much part of the religious right.

He gets most support from conservatives and I believe he himself would call himself a conservative. I dont know if he is part of the religious right. He is Xtian but I dont think that alone makes him a member
HomeLAN said:
Religious right does NOT equal conservative. Stop drawing lines that don't exist.
You know, you're right. Even I do it while complaining about it. :lloyd: