Driving question


OK now I've never driven internationally, and I didn't pay attention when I visited other countries how my parents drive. Quebec has this rule you can't make a right turn on a red light. I don't get what their problem is, but then they are French. ?( Any other states or provinces you can't do that?

Suppose you are driving in one of these states, if there are other ones, and you do make a right on red. Can the cops give you any real trouble?

Thanks for the info.
cops can give you lots of trouble here, if you don't see a sign allowing you to make a right turn on a red light, you better don't do it, or look for cops around :D
isn't allowed here either...the red light is there for a purpose you know...there can get traffic from the left...

So is it so strange to actually stop? :confuse3:
It's illegal in New York state and especially in the city. Shadowfax, right on red after making a full and complete stop is legal in most places in the United States.
The way I was taught is that I should stop regardless of how little traffic there is coming from the left, and then creep up so that I can see if there is any oncoming traffic. If it's clear, then I am allowed to make a right turn on red, unless there is a sign specifically saying no right turn on red. This is the only time a turn on a red light is legal, at least in Indiana, except when you're coming in from a one-way street and want to turn left onto another one-way street, then you are allowed to make a left turn while the light is still red.
Yes, that is the way it is in Ontario and Michigan, just like Fury described.

What is the sense in waiting 3 minutes for a red light to go green if there are no cars in sight? We are not talking about actually crossing a road (which is a different scenario entirely), just making a simple right turn.
Originally posted by LastLegionary
Yes, that is the way it is in Ontario and Michigan, just like Fury described.

That's the way it is in Florida, also.

What is the sense in waiting 3 minutes for a red light to go green if there are no cars in sight? We are not talking about actually crossing a road (which is a different scenario entirely), just making a simple right turn.

Yeah, but put me at a redlight with no cars in sight, no cops around and I won't wait there longer than a minute before I run that sucker, crossing the road or no. There's a limit to how much one should shut down one's brain in order to follow the rules.
funny thing, everybody keeps saying your name with a capital, and mine "luis" or "luis g" :confuse3:
Originally posted by LastLegionary
Quebec has this rule you can't make a right turn on a red light.

The rule might get cancelled soon. There were tests being done about turning right on red lights and it worked pretty well, so we will be able to turn on right lights like everyone else.
Originally posted by equinoxe3d
Originally posted by LastLegionary
Quebec has this rule you can't make a right turn on a red light.

The rule might get cancelled soon. There were tests being done about turning right on red lights and it worked pretty well, so we will be able to turn on right lights like everyone else.
Did it make traffic any less terrifying? :eek: :D
lol, the authorities said it was a bit confusing at first, but people would be accustomed pretty quickly. With the traffic in downtown New York it wouldn't be the same though :eek: :D
Quebecers always need to test everything out for themselves, even though the rest of Canada and North America are already doing it. :laugh:
Equinox, don't hold your breath. Did you hear about the comedy on Friday about the crosswalks? If people won't stop for pedestrians on marked, visible crosswalks, they'll never stop for them when they're rushing to get through a red light.

FTR the test zones are mostly near the borders, like Gatineau, where people already have practice with the right on red. Hardly a unbiased test.

Oh and Ani. Just coz the rest of America is doing something, doesn't make it the smart choice. Just the popular one.
Originally posted by Professur

Oh and Ani. Just coz the rest of America is doing something, doesn't make it the smart choice. Just the popular one.

The rest of Canada is doing it to, so that makes it the right choice. ;) :D
Oh Quebec is just squibbling for attention. If Toronto can do it, the rest of Canada can do it too, including Quebec.

Last time I visited Quebec it really amazed me what bad drivers they have though. Try to cross a street, and people will just accelerate. Once back in Ontario, I tried the same test and people actually slowed down and almost stopped (even though they were pissed at me).
Originally posted by GOD ALMIGHTY
It's illegal in New York state and especially in the city.

I think I'm going to have to disagree with God Almighty on this one. :eek:

Yes, a right on red is definately a no-no in the 5 boroughs of NYC but on Long Island, it is only against the law when there is a sign posted that says 'No Right on Red'.

I grew up driving on Long Island so when I started driving into Brooklyn where Rusty used to live, I just kept making rights on reds. Rusty finally said, "You know that's against the law, right?" and I was like, "You don't even have a driver's license, how do you know?!" lol oops.

If I'm in an area where I don't know the law, I don't do it. But I was in Rhode Island yesterday and sat at a red light and all these people started beeping at me, so I turned. Maybe in RI, you can make a right on red...?
red in the uk is stop, no creeping round corners and that stuff. just stop.

then we have amber, which is rev your engine like mental, stick it in first, drop the handbrake and stage the clutch for green :)

incidentally, like fury, i'm a lower-case man, which is why i bought the website i did :) who is this R is? :D