You guys are missing a serious point. That they're illegal, regardless of the reason. I read this thread and I see that that point is lost on many of you. Alcohol is legal, pot isn't. That you don't like that reasoning, is no justification to comit a criminal act, is it? So why would you do that? Because of the addiction? The lure? The ego trip?
Alcohol was illegal for a while. Remember what happened? Same thing as pot today. To the point that it was legalized, with restrictions. Does that change that the rumrunners were criminals? Nope. That today's pot heads are criminals? Nope. If pot was legalized today, does that make anyone who used it before less of a criminal? Nope.
If you wanna protest, and lobby for the decriminalization or legalization of pot, go right ahead. Wanna claim that it's not harmful? Well, that's bullshit, but you go right on ahead too. State that it's less harmful and less adictive than alcohol? Maybe your right, maybe your wrong. I'm no doctor. But claim that it's the same as alcohol? No fucking way. One's legal, the other isn't. Using one might mean that you're a moron, a weakwilled fool. Using the other means that you're a criminal.