dumb dog

Originally posted by Shadowfax
OMG! I just had a mental picture of a highly pregnant women kicking a little dog :D

Funny sight :D

I wish that dog was a little dog. This dog is huge. And she's still a puppy.

She can stand on her two hind legs and her two front legs will rest on top of my bulging stomach. I'm not a shorty either, I'm 5'7".
ku'u - did you see the "let's rate underage chicas" thread? I went in thinking it was a joke of some sort ... but these dudes are OPENLY gawking and commenting on UNDERAGED girls while you're dished crap about hitting a dog!

C'mon nalani, you don't think those girls are underaged? They don't really look really young to me :)

18+ I'd say. At least. ;)
Originally posted by nalani
ku'u - did you see the "let's rate underage chicas" thread? I went in thinking it was a joke of some sort ... but these dudes are OPENLY gawking and commenting on UNDERAGED girls while you're dished crap about hitting a dog!


Nope ... didn't go in there, and I have no desire to. Adults rating underaged girls is just plain wrong. At least all I do is hit the dumb dog.
Your first post said that you beat and kick the dog-I took that literally. You don't do that?

All those things you said are worse than hitting a dog, yes, but to me, that doesn't make it acceptable. I've always treated dogs as I would like to be treated because they are intelligent, sensitive, loyal animals. From the dog's point of view, if it's not trained to know what it's doing is wrong, does that make it ok to hit it? Can you apply the same lesson to children or anything that can't/won't defend itself? I'm just saying if the dog doesn't know better, then it's not going to understand why it gets hit-and unless you're being attacked, I don't think beating and kicking dogs is very nice.

Like you said, Ku'u, it's just an opinion. Na, I hope you don't think that what I said is dishing out shit. I was trying to express my opinion and even give suggestions which were ignored or forgotten. Well, anyway, just my 2 cents.
By "beat", I meant that we punch her jaw area and by "kick", I meant that I use my foot to kick her away from me. She's so big, it probably doesn't even hurt her, which is why she thinks we're playing.

All these things are done right after she does something stupid - in hopes she'll link her punishment to her stupid actions. It doesn't work I guess.

Can I apply the same lesson to children? Yes. It's easier with children though, 'cause they're able to communicate in the same language, and can be told the proper behavior. And yes, I believe in spanking children when their actions necessitates (sp?) it.
Originally posted by greenfreak

Like you said, Ku'u, it's just an opinion. Na, I hope you don't think that what I said is dishing out shit. I was trying to express my opinion and even give suggestions which were ignored or forgotten. Well, anyway, just my 2 cents.

umm... I was just being my sarcastic, wise-ass self greenie .. fret not .. :D plus, I know you don't randomly dish shit like other people who shall remain nameless ... ;)
Originally posted by kuulani
By "beat", I meant that we punch her jaw area and by "kick", I meant that I use my foot to kick her away from me.

:( That makes me sad. If people cared for and took care of their dogs, they wouldn't make people annoyed enough to hit them. Has anyone tried to talk to the owner at all? I imagine you're not the only ones who have to deal with this dog.

Thanks, Na, I'm fret-less. :)
Sad to say, greenie, just like humans, not all dogs are the same. This one just happens to be on the dumb side. Just as some people are annoying, some dogs are annoying - no matter how much you try to "train" them to be different. :(
One way to teach the dog not to jump up on you is to step on it's back toes when it does. Not hard enough to break them, just hard enough to get the dog's attention.

Worked for me.

You also try just thumping the dog's nose with your finger and a loud "NO".
I'm a big fan of actually training the dog. Amazing how well that works. But then, I play with dogs, and teach them how to tell playtime from leave off. Big dogs too. Shepards and retrievers. Had one that would hook his teeth over my fingers (my fingers looped behind his fangs) and we'd tug-of-war like that. He'd actually pull himself off the ground. 75 lbs of golden hanging from his teeth. I miss that mutt.
Try spraying the dog near his face with a vinegar and water solution everytime he is bad and lock him somewhere that he can still hear or see you but not be able to be social with you. Whacking him makes him crave negetive attention.
Kick the dog in the balls j/k seriously have you tried talking to your aunt and explain that the dog jumps up on you and it concerns you. She may keep it tied.