dumbass Air Force 1

Louis Caldara resigned over his mistake. This is how it should be. If you make such a huge mistake in a cabinet position with this sort of responsibility, you should take ownership of your mistake and bow out. He did the right thing.

I don't know why this thread still lives. :shrug:
Louis Caldara resigned over his mistake. This is how it should be. If you make such a huge mistake in a cabinet position with this sort of responsibility, you should take ownership of your mistake and bow out. He did the right thing.

I don't know why this thread still lives. :shrug:

Don't you know? It's clearly because Barack Obama wants to DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!!

But most of all he wants to....


:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
Louis Caldara resigned over his mistake. This is how it should be. If you make such a huge mistake in a cabinet position with this sort of responsibility, you should take ownership of your mistake and bow out. He did the right thing.

I don't know why this thread still lives. :shrug:

Move along people, nothing here to see??

Caldera only "approved" the flight. I doubt he could have said "no."

Somebody else initiated it.
There are plenty of good, valid reasons to not like Obama and his policies. Stupid shit like this "two flags" thing only serves to make those reasons look bad because of who's saying it.

Exactly, what you just said reminds of this quote:

The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Caldera wasn't the one responsible for it. He only claims to have authorized it.

The question is, who requested the flight in the first place??
Caldera authorized it, and Caldera requested the flight.

You really have no idea how this works, do you? The President does not walk to his desk and sit there all day signing authorizations for day to day processes. He has other duties to attend to. This is why you assign responsibilities to cabinet members.

Haven't you ever had a job where you had responsibility over people and processes? You are reacting like an ignorant 12 year old who's never held a job!
You really have no idea how this works, do you?

Say what Miss Thang??

Caldera's office is a liaison between the Executive and the Department of Defense.


The report of the review, also released on Friday, said ultimately Caldera did not notify relevant White House officials about the flyover in advance.

"When asked why he failed to do so, he did not offer a coherent explanation. He stated that it was not a conscious decision -- he did not intend not to notify them," it said. "Instead, he suggested that it may have been an oversight."

Also released was a photo of the Air Force jet over the State of Liberty from the mission.

He didn't notify them because they already knew about it: they were the ones that ordered the flight.

Caldera authorized it, and Caldera requested the flight.

But please, go for it. I'm sure you can dig up a link to prove that authorization.

Say what Miss Thang??

Caldera's office is a liaison between the Executive and the Department of Defense.
He didn't notify them because they already knew about it: they were the ones that ordered the flight.
But please, go for it. I'm sure you can dig up a link to prove that authorization.

A White House military aide (Louis Caldera) who authorized an Air Force flyover of New York that caused panic among some people in the city resigned on Friday.
I don't have to. You just posted my side...
The report of the review, also released on Friday, said ultimately Caldera did not notify relevant White House officials about the flyover in advance.

I feel pangs of guilt debating you. You're at such a disadvantage. :retard:
Um, yeah.

The fact that you refuse to answer and respond with ad hominem attacks means you know you can't provide the answer.

Um, yeah.

The fact that you refuse to answer and respond with ad hominem attacks means you know you can't provide the answer.

This is so sad. :(

I didn't have to provide the answer to your question/challenge. I just had to copy and paste part of YOUR post. YOU already provided the answer for me, which I have already pointed out to you in my previous post. (Really! You can't be that thick and still breathing!)

Read again...
"The report of the review, also released on Friday, said ultimately Caldera did not notify relevant White House officials about the flyover in advance."

Clearly you are over your head... please stop now before you further embarrass yourself. I don't have to attack YOU to make you look bad. You've already taken care of that yourself. This is one of the few things you seem to be proficient at. :retard:

This is like playing a game of chess for a week's wages with the retarded guy who bags the groceries at the local grocery store. I feel... dirty.

Tell ya what... I'll give you a couple of days to post any old shit you want (even the made up information you are well known for) on the board and I will not respond to your posts during that time. M'kay? This will give you a head start and although the playing field would still have me at a disadvantage it might make you feel a little better about yourself. :rolleyes:
Read again...
"The report of the review, also released on Friday, said ultimately Caldera did not notify relevant White House officials about the flyover in advance."

Not sure why you feel that if Caldera did not notify relevant WH officials, without a doubt that meant he ordered the flight?

Can you go a little further in your analysis and provide some info to back up your claims other than resorting to your tattered collection of criticism and personal attacks on me?


The report released on the subject said that the Deputy Director of the WHMO "suggested that when the plan was finalized, the Director MAY want to inform White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Jim Messina. The Deputy Director believed that Mr. Messina would want notice because the plan involved the use of the Presidential aircraft and because it was unusual."


"When asked why he failed to do so, he did not offer a coherent explanation. He stated that it was not a conscious decision -- he did not intend not to notify them," it said. "Instead, he suggested that it may have been an oversight."
Not sure why you feel that if Caldera did not notify relevant WH officials, without a doubt that meant he ordered the flight?

Can you go a little further in your analysis and provide some info to back up your claims other than resorting to your tattered collection of criticism and personal attacks on me?<<snippety snip>>
"A White House military aide (Louis Caldera) who authorized an Air Force flyover of New York that caused panic among some people in the city resigned on Friday."
seems to me initialization without authorization would be criminal.

How did and aid get that authority?
Not sure why you feel that if Caldera did not notify relevant WH officials, without a doubt that meant he ordered the flight? <<snippety snip>>>

"When asked why he failed to do so, he did not offer a coherent explanation. He stated that it was not a conscious decision -- he did not intend not to notify them," it said. "Instead, he suggested that it may have been an oversight."
Because the report said he didn't.

What is this, opposite day?

OK... we're done going back and forth... if you don't get it by now you never will. It's all about reading without inserting what you wish it said into the report/article. But... you seem to be lacking in this skill.
yeah, but I tired of officials or aids getting blame, some going out, but
Nobody getting prosecuted.

If I Stole 300k+, I'd be in jail.