Durex Performa

steweygrrrr said:
Nope the Thombah was Zombie and they fired lasers (Light Amplification through Stimularion of EM Radiation so there shoud be no Z) from their eyes.


Just trying to make our american cousins feel more at home... they seem to use z instead of s in a lot of spellings... :D
After much thought I have to agree that the concept is weird. I mean...if the guy can't feel anything then the girl should just get herself a dildo or something...A friend of mine calls sex where the girl's not really into it "Masterbating into her" and this is kinda the same idea but the girl si using the guy...kinda weirds me out...
MuFu said:
Anybody tried Durex Perforata?

Kinda sucky.
I dont wanna be a daddy yet :cry:

And yes Nix, know what you mean. Just hafta be careful if you go bareback
oh man, I am a TAD slow, I JUST got Paul's joke now...:rofl4:

stewey...yup the price a girl must pay for bareback (and still be as safe as possible) is usually rememebring a pill everyday and steering clear of al painkillers, etc so those pills work :beerbang:
Nixy said:
oh man, I am a TAD slow, I JUST got Paul's joke now...:rofl4:

stewey...yup the price a girl must pay for bareback (and still be as safe as possible) is usually rememebring a pill everyday and steering clear of al painkillers, etc so those pills work :beerbang:
and even then its only 99% safe. So dont go thinking that your safe cos 1 in every 100...ahem...bareback sessions has the chance of getting you up the duff
Intact ones still attached to an erect penis are 99% safe before removal. Thats when the risk of spillage occurs
... you're also less likely to get hiv or stds using condoms...

personally... no rubber boot and I'll go play with my rubber duck!
oh, i was in no way implying that it was a good idea to go around having tons of condomless sex

i was talking about a trusted partner who isn't with anyone else
... trouble is they don't always tell the truth... as I found out with Katies birth father... she has a half-brother who is 4 months younger than her, which I found out through a mutual friend after he was born... :(
Nixy said:
oh, i was in no way implying that it was a good idea to go around having tons of condomless sex

i was talking about a trusted partner who isn't with anyone else
Never thought anything different :)
I promote promiscuous behavior, especially when it's with me. Really, I have no problem with it.