E-bay strategies


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any e-bay bidding/selling strategies they'd care to share? I'll start off by sharing my golden nugget.

When you bid on something, never bid to a round number. Everyone else will try to bid $40, $45, etc. If you bid $41.05, you'll usually win against anyone up to a ready bid of $45. You'll hold against a $40 bid. And anyone feeling you out will try $41 next, and still you'll hold. His next bid (if he's really after it) will be to $45.
Professur said:
Does anyone have any e-bay bidding/selling strategies they'd care to share? I'll start off by sharing my golden nugget.

When you bid on something, never bid to a round number. Everyone else will try to bid $40, $45, etc. If you bid $41.05, you'll usually win against anyone up to a ready bid of $45. You'll hold against a $40 bid. And anyone feeling you out will try $41 next, and still you'll hold. His next bid (if he's really after it) will be to $45.

Sniping. Wait till the last minute, and swoop in, taking your prize from your opposing bidder. {hint} Only works with items that are obscure...
My technique helps defeat sniping. It'll usually take three bids to get around me. And that's usually 2 more than they've left time for.
Professur said:
My technique helps defeat sniping. It'll usually take three bids to get around me. And that's usually 2 more than they've left time for.

Depends on the connection, though. You'd definitely kill dial-up, but broadband will bite you in the arse. ;)
I did about 10 bids on some memory a couple weeks ago in the last two minutes. Fucker kept upping my bid by .05. So, Prof. Buy some memory on E-bay lately?
If you're willing to go the entire $5 over me, you're welcome to it. You want it more than I do. It's the buck shooters that I wanna hunt down.

One time, I beat three snipers with this technique. They'd all left it to the 5 sec mark.
PT said:
I did about 10 bids on some memory a couple weeks ago in the last two minutes. Fucker kept upping my bid by .05. So, Prof. Buy some memory on E-bay lately?

No, but I do wanna talk to you about bows sometime soon. I think I've made a drastic mistake.
Well go ahead, this doesn't seem to be drawing much attention. Or would you rather pm?
Strategy 1: Stay the hell off ebay as much as possible, thus avoiding bankruptcy.

Strategy 2: I too use the swoop and snipe method. Enter a bid that you know will be topped with about an hour to go simply to see how long it takes the bid to be processed from your machine. Say it took it 4 seconds. Add two seconds to that, giving you a final bid time of six seconds before expiration. At that time, enter your bid. As others have said, don't bid $40...bid $42.78. I win about 95% of my bids using this method. 'Course, I don't bid very often. If Buy It Now is an option, and the price is within what I would pay, I just do that and be done with it.
PT said:
Well go ahead, this doesn't seem to be drawing much attention. Or would you rather pm?

What do you know about the Hoyt Superslam bow? It seems I'm now the owner of one (don't ask), strung to 70#, and information is sorely lacking, except that Hoyt no longer supports it in any way, shape or form, and that manuals and parts are an endangered species.
PT said:
I did about 10 bids on some memory a couple weeks ago in the last two minutes. Fucker kept upping my bid by .05. So, Prof. Buy some memory on E-bay lately?

That is the worst thing you can do. First of all you should only bid once and when you do bid you should know how much you're willing to pay for an item. Secondly, others have the tendancy to fall victim to multiple bidding behavior as well so if you bid early they become tempted to bid higher. Bid once in the final minute(s) and you are assured the best deals. Granted this takes discipline. One bid and one bid only. If your first bid reflects what an item is worth to you then you don't have to bid again. The item DOES NOT become more valuable just because someone outbids you. If it wasn't worth that much to you 5 minutes ago then it's not worth it now.
Professur said:
What do you know about the Hoyt Superslam bow? It seems I'm now the owner of one (don't ask), strung to 70#, and information is sorely lacking, except that Hoyt no longer supports it in any way, shape or form, and that manuals and parts are an endangered species.
I know Hoyts are generally pretty good bows. 70# is a heavy bow, eat your wheaties if you plan on using it much. As for parts and whatnot, most of the rests, sights, etc are pretty universal. As for the manual I can see what I can find, my FiL used to carry some Hoyts, he may just have one laying around. I'll find out this week. About the only parts you might have trouble replacing are the limbs or the pulleys, but even then if you have a decent pro shop around they should be able to find a suitable replacement for the pulleys.
the pulleys look like excentrics. If need be, I'd just have a machine shop make me new ones. It's the limbs that worry me. I should be able to get it down to 55# safely, but that's still pretty high. And any weakness in those limbs ... and I'm the proud owner of a paperweight.
Professur said:
the pulleys look like excentrics. If need be, I'd just have a machine shop make me new ones. It's the limbs that worry me. I should be able to get it down to 55# safely, but that's still pretty high. And any weakness in those limbs ... and I'm the proud owner of a paperweight.
Yep, and unfortunately there isn't a whole lot that can be done about it. Except maybe look on ebay for one just like it, and use it for spare parts. Although with a bow that age, there's no guarantee it will be in better shape. Have you inspected the limbs pretty close? Any cracks, splinters, indentions, anything that doesn't look right? If they look pretty good I wouldn't worry about it, but I would crank the poundage down. Just be careful backing those screws out, they usually say about two full turns from rock bottom is about all you want to go safely.
samcurry said:
hey guys lets start a new one on bows, i want to jump in too. looking for a new one meself.

on the ebay part. Im the swoop in at the end and instantly take it up to what im willing to spend. messing around with the smaller numbers always messes me up.

If you're looking, there's a real nice Cheetah about to go. I'd be more than willing to relinquish. More than willing.
Gato_Solo said:
Sniping. Wait till the last minute, and swoop in, taking your prize from your opposing bidder. {hint} Only works with items that are obscure...

That's what I do. I post relatively obscene amount at the very last minute, ie the last 20 seconds on the clock. Hasn't backfired yet. Of course, I only buy stuff on there that I can't get in NZ, so I'm already forking out more than I should.... :blank:
I swoop in at the last minute with an odd numbered bid like $42.27 ro beat out those $42.05 people. I usualy win what it is I am betting on unless someone puts in a really high bid that I am not willing to outbid.
Dumb fucking, cock sucking, retarded son of a pile of monkey shit.

I just got the Hoyt today. The fucking retard listed a value. Worse, he listed a value 2.5 times what I paid. I just had to pay taxes and duties on $120. And to top it off, the cunt didn't ship the screws for the sight either.