early returns


well, looks like obama has won a bunch of the less backwards states so far.

given the point spread the projection in ohio is certain to stick. wonder how many other states he'll flip.

is no one else alarmed when noncitizens cheer for one candidate? does it not send a message?

actually, it probabkly doesnt. nothing else has.
majority |məˈjôrətē; -ˈjär-|
noun ( pl. -ties)
1 the greater number : in the majority of cases all will go smoothly | [as adj. ] it was a majority decision.
• the number by which votes for one candidate in an election are more than those for all other candidates combined.
• Brit. the number by which the votes for one party or candidate exceed those of the next in rank.
• a party or group receiving the greater number of votes.


Are we playing this game again?
For this reason, many presidential victories appear to be huge landslide victories when examining the electoral vote, but much less so when examining the popular vote; for example, in the 1984 election, Ronald Reagan won 97.5% of the electoral vote but 58.8% of the popular vote.

Thus, a landslide victory can be either over 55.5% of the popular vote or over 60% of the electoral vote.

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