edibile oddities

Mare said:
And what the heck is Kimchi???

I'm glad you asked that question...Kim chi is pretty much the national food of Korea. Along with dried squid, which they scarf down at baseball games (yes, they have baseball in Korea), it is one of the most recognizable additions to the worlds culinary pallette.
Mare said:
Where do you buy the monkeys for the stew???

Publix supermarket, of course. :D

My best friend is from Africa. His sister and her family still live over there, and one time (about 20 years ago) when they came to visit they brought some with them.

It looks and tastes just like roast beef.

I don't recall what kind of monkey, but it's not chimpanzee.
Sorry, there's no eating *bump* in this room. Please take it elsewhere .... *where you won't be seen*
So being called a "Pussy" is a compliment for a guy then? Seeing as it implies that he's getting some action?