Edwards out

I dunno how I feel about Hilary being able to run...I mean...I'm sure that during Bill's time in office she had some influence over his decisions/policies and/or he will have some influence over hers...so really, it's like giving the same "team" a chance at a third session in office...not to mention that if it wasn't for Bill's inability to keep it in his pants she would probably be a nobody...
I dunno how I feel about Hilary being able to run...I mean...I'm sure that during Bill's time in office she had some influence over his decisions/policies and/or he will have some influence over hers...so really, it's like giving the same "team" a chance at a third session in office...not to mention that if it wasn't for Bill's inability to keep it in his pants she would probably be a nobody...

well a president can serve more than 2 terms, just not in a row.
Nixy - have you looked at hillary's resume any time recently? Say what you like about this woman, she was always destined for greater things. :shrug:
oops, I got reality and the watchmen mixed up.

and in Canada, they can be in office as long as they keep getting elected.

Actually, this is not entirely true ... since our leaders aren't actually elected. They're actually appointed, by the majority of the MPs in the house. It's understood that the members of a party will appoint their party leader ... but it doesn't have to be.
I would have voted for Ron Paul if he would have been a serious contender. As it stands, McCain is really the only viable candidate on the Rep side. I used to like him, but lately he just creeps me out. I can't get behind the Clinton family again, although in reality Billy didn't do too bad of a job with the overall picture, just had some other problems that couldn't be ignored. I think Hilary is a bigger liar than Bill ever thought about being though. So... I think I'm going to have to go with Obama. He seems to be the only one that lives in some kind of reality.
Holy moley, old home week. Do some research and you'll find that Ron Paul is actually a loon. :grinyes: Had some good sound bytes though.
Holy moley, old home week. Do some research and you'll find that Ron Paul is actually a loon. :grinyes: Had some good sound bytes though.
I know, I would have voted for Ross Perot though too, I think our country could use a loon every now and again.
Ross Perot was great...until you actually heard what he was saying.

Hey PT.
eh I'm not in much of a politic mood today....
I'll just say....

not on policy ATM, but, ...

it's just his demeanor when he gets excited is the first turn off.
He speaks the truth mostly about the problems we have, but his solutions on somethings is just whacked out.
A president doesn't/shouldn't have the power to do some of the things he's talking about.
Nothing specific?

The demeanor I think you're talking about is when the other Republicans start talking crazy, he acts as if they are talking crazy.