I guess because my theory is different for most of the theories on the Conservative side on this one.
I think the MB has been paid off to say they are with the protesters,
when if fact they are with Mubarak.
The left and right in many cases have bought into it.
I think the left bought into it because it's what they wanted to believe.
I believe the right like Beck has bought into it, because the left did, and
he's opposed to both.
I think there is a legitimate protest of people who genuinely want democracy,
and the infiltrators, and propaganda are now starting to squash them.
So, it looks like another loss for the possibility of democracy over there.
I bought into part of it myself with ElBaradei, but I finally saw today with the
beating of all the journalists what was really going down.
It's too late now though.
I just still believe Mubarak is a dictator, and has play this ...what looks like perfectly to hold on.