SOME on the right? please. if they didn't have fear they'd have nothing. muslim terrorists coming to bugger mom! and obama is one of them...
what would that right time be? what action should he jump into? please be specific.
yeah like the left "never let a good crisis go to waste"...
The right time? I don't know yet. This just went down in earnest.
The action though would be in a form of aid. What kind and how much
it isn't clear yet, but I'm guessing substantially less that what Mubarak was extorting.
They are still in celebration mode atm. I'm guessing it'll become more clear
in the next 7 days.
30 years of general peace & assistance wasn't enough. Now we have to have Sharia too.
nah, I don't see it. I think they want more of like what we have.
Maybe a little different in some way, but I just don't see them buying into Sharia,
when they've tasted freedom now.
I think one of the first things they are going to have to put together is a
real, and proper police force that has the best interest of the respective neighborhoods in mind.
They've got a lot to figure out, but as fast as they moved on this, I think
they can also work pretty fast to get the basic street infrastructure built back.
Yeah I'm and optimist, but the alternative is to go all paranoid like Beck.
I ain't down with that atm.