Einsteins Theory of Relativity


New Member
states that the closer to the speed of light you get, time slows down. So if you go faster than light do you travel back in time??
So if your in a spaceship traveling at the Speed of light and you turn on the headlights ,do they actually do anything??
The way I've understood it is if you travel faster than SOLight you will be able to see the light from an event thats happened in the past ,but I don't think you'd be able to react/interact with it.
Say you travel away from earth at just over the speed of light at some point you could stop and see yourself leaving earth, as the light from that event would be traveling slower than you.
I thought that the speed of light was an unbreakable limit - since mass increases the faster you go, to reach the speed of light would require infinite energy to accelerate infinite mass. Picture yourself taking a dump. So even if the equations showed time reverse if speed > y, it doesn't matter in any practical matter, no matter the technology. matter matter matter
Oh yeah ,I almost forgot

staffrodore said:
states that the closer to the speed of light you get, time slows down. So if you go faster than light do you travel back in time??

Your observed time slows down relative (theory of relativty :lloyd: ) to an observer at rest. Therefore, time would pass more quickly for those not on your approaching the speed of light craft so you would, in effect, move forward through time, not backward. There are theories which allow for backward time travel, but they are significantly more complex.

Oh, and there are theories which allow for faster-than-light travel, but they involve superstrings, parallel universes and at least 10 dimensions. Effectively and until someone can prove otherwise, the speed of light is the ultimate speed limit.
Can't travel at or above the speed of light. Of course, we couldn't go to the moon 100 years ago. :shrug:
Gonz said:
Can't travel at or above the speed of light. Of course, we couldn't go to the moon 100 years ago. :shrug:

Also some people believed that going over 80km/h was impossible, when the mark was broke they said sound speed was unbreakable, the rest is history. Now light speed is the limit.
Given mankinds record, even if it is proven there will be denouncements of heresey and people being burned at the stake for a few generations.
Luis G said:
Also some people believed that going over 80km/h was impossible, when the mark was broke they said sound speed was unbreakable, the rest is history. Now light speed is the limit.

You're talking about lack of experience and development of science against undoing physical limitations.

Light travel is near impossible to achieve as of yet and even if achieved it nearly isn't fast enough to explore anything in given practical human time.

Closest star is 4 light years away......
A lot of scinetists disbelieve the theory of relativity. I don't know who and I don't know why, but I know they do and I hope they're right.
staffrodore said:
Picture yourself taking a dump.

I am trying to figure out what taking a dump and traveling at the speed of light have to do with one another. I don't know about you guys but the colder the seat, the faster the dump, but, it ain't happenin' that fast.
PostCode said:
I am trying to figure out what taking a dump and traveling at the speed of light have to do with one another. I don't know about you guys but the colder the seat, the faster the dump, but, it ain't happenin' that fast.
You mean you can't shit at the speed of light????