Elderly man's body found in Vienna apartment


Well-Known Member
VIENNA, Austria (AP) - A landlord who unlocked an apartment after his letters announcing a rent increase went unanswered found the body of an elderly tenant Tuesday, and police believe the man may have died three or four years ago, an Austrian newspaper reported.

The remains of the 93-year-old man, a former university professor whose name was not released, were found in a bed after the housing management company obtained the keys to his flat and made a visit after he failed to respond to letters requesting more rent, authorities were quoted as saying by the Kurier newspaper.

Investigators believe the man may have died as long as four years ago, police Lt.-Col. Georg Rabensteiner was quoted as saying.

He said police found only old Austrian schilling banknotes in the apartment, the report said. Austria, like many European Union nations, switched to the euro common currency on Jan. 1, 2002.

Neighbours described the man as a recluse, the report said, citing police.

Rabensteiner said no one noticed earlier that he had died because automatic rent payments had gone out regularly from his bank account, which was constantly replenished with automatic deposits from his pension fund, the report said.

Fellow residents of the apartment complex apparently did not find it unusual that junk mail was piling up outside the dead man's door, he added.

A recluse? He's been fucking dead for four years, you twits. That's a little more than reclusive for fuck's sake.
Maybe he had one of those old Magic Mushroom air fresheners... they were discontinued ages ago but they worked well if I remember right.
automatic rent payments had gone out regularly from his bank account, which was constantly replenished with automatic deposits from his pension fund

Who gets the 4 year refund?
How could flesh decompose for 4 years and noone notice the smell?? :barfonu:
How could flesh decompose for 4 years and noone notice the smell?? :barfonu:

Flesh doesn't decompose for 4 years. It decomposes for a few weeks, maybe months, and then it's all over but the burying. And given how some old folk smell when they're still alive (and we're talking latin europe here) that might be an improvement.
Halleluia, someone finally got it. Yup, Sharky, in 4 years, not one single fucker bothered their ass to even so much as think about this poor shit beyond getting their money from him.

What a wonderful fucking world we live in, eh?
Halleluia, someone finally got it. Yup, Sharky, in 4 years, not one single fucker bothered their ass to even so much as think about this poor shit beyond getting their money from him.

What a wonderful fucking world we live in, eh?


This is the part that really blew my mind:
Fellow residents of the apartment complex apparently did not find it unusual that junk mail was piling up outside the dead man's door, he added.

They couldn't be arsed to check on somebody who they KNEW was old, even though there were obvious signs that something was amiss. They should be ashamed of themselves.

When human fucking beings become so insulated and thoughtless to the point where they walk right past a fellow human who is obviously in peril, we are in big trouble.

Dayum. :disgust2:
hmm, well I doubt my landlord would wait longer than 4 weeks before wondering where i was...