We're in great shape financially...or we would be if the market didn't keep telling us that the world is in a f'n recession and we should SELL SELL SELL!!
DOn't tell that to MrsBish... she's working lunches dealing with the sellers and the opportunists.we are smarter than that (I hope)
Dude, living in Toronto`s rotting your brain
DOn't tell that to MrsBish... she's working lunches dealing with the sellers and the opportunists.
listen you little shroomhead I do NOT LIVE IN TORONTO
why don't you jsut insult my mom, it would hurt less.
Can't. I never met your mom.
So I think Canadians will have to get a belly full and be on the verge of vomiting in panic before the urgency of the situation becomes clear.
People who care about politics are terribly frustrated with people who don't. Over on Galloping Beaver this morning Dana was having another meltdown, because he sees how important these decisions are, and no-one else seems to be paying sufficient attention.
Are the Canadian elections more "civilized" than the US? Do you folks have yard signs?
I was looking at the "Galloping Beaver" which linked to "Tunnel Under the Snow" and it seems that some people do have an interest in the process:
she is a very nice lady....
who would kick your ass if you said I lived in Toronto!