Election Challenge for TRW posters

Non-US citizens are welcome to post their thoughts as well. I swear, many of you are more informed than a lot of US citizens I know. It's my belief that the entire world is affected by every country's leader so I would love to hear your thoughts as well.

Ok then.

While I find both or the major american parties to be very conservative (our conservative party is more liberal than your democratic party). I would vote for Obama. The lesser 2 evils. (or I would write in ctchullu, why vote for the LESSER evil) The idea of taxing based on income apeals to me, I never understood the trickle down effect and how taxing someone who can barely keep food on the table more (dollar for dollar) than a millionare would work.

I also like the fact he is espousing a universal health care system, as someone who has government run health care, I can't even imagine living without it.

I don't know ANYTHING about Barr, nor the american voting system, so I don't know if a vote for him is a wasted vote or not. (or do you vote for mutiple things on one ballot? Here we vote for our local party member, not for the top job, the head of the party that gets the most local party members gets the top job...sorta, cause the actual head of government is appointed by the Queen, but it is a honorary position....)
The point of asking for no bashing of another candidate or another's opinion wasn't merely because I don't want to hear it (though that's not entirely untrue - I don't want to hear it) but because I wanted to see how well some people who prefer to debate any idea in here could bring forth their opinions based on their belief in the candidate and that alone. If you have to bash on someone else's opinion or on another candidate to get a point across, it's not a point worth listening to when I am trying to further educate myself before making a decision. Not to mention I just really wanted to see if most of us are able to have an honest, intelligent discussion without such unnecessary antics.

Gotta run to work so I'll comment on some of the posts from there.
Wow, lots of interesting stuff and minimal fluff. This has been really enlightening so far - both in politics and in personalities. I hope more people continue to post, just to get their thoughts across or, if for no other reason, to prove that you don't need to resort to name-calling and bashing to explain an opinion or view.

Paul - it's really interesting hearing a non-US citizen's take on things. Any other non-USers wanna post? Mr. Bishop? Prof? I'd love to hear your thoughts too ..
I believe the initial post asked that people post their own views, not comment or attack those of others.

as usual, it went off topic...I was having a discussion with minkey, not debating the candidates.
I never understood the trickle down effect and how taxing someone who can barely keep food on the table more (dollar for dollar) than a millionare would work.

Trickle Down....
Rockefeller decides he wants a new Yacht & a home on the beach to park it.
He hires real estate agents to look for his piece of land.
He looks at boats at the local Yacht dealer.

He finds what he wants & orders them.

Lumberjacks, heavy equipment operators, drivers, saw mill employees, drivers, lumber yard employees, drivers, yacht builders & all their minions have something to do. While the boat is being built, painters, carpenters, textile workers, metal finishers, at al are at work settign up the interior. You've also got designers & decorators involved. Another driver has to take the boat to the water where a crew must set to work preparing it for sailing. Somebody has to feed all these hungry people. And clothe them. Make their living quarters & goodies (since they're employed, they have money so entertainers are needed too)....

A lot of people are put to work in the trades & the service industry because of one rich guys action. This is before the real estate deal ever goes through. Imagine what that takes,

On the other hand, when a poor guy wants a boat, we all wait fro him to gather enough aluminum cans.

Tax rates should be the same for all citizens-after all, we do want equality, don't we?
Trickle Down....
Rockefeller decides he wants a new Yacht & a home on the beach to park it.
He hires real estate agents to look for his piece of land.
He looks at boats at the local Yacht dealer.

He finds what he wants & orders them.

Lumberjacks, heavy equipment operators, drivers, saw mill employees, drivers, lumber yard employees, drivers, yacht builders & all their minions have something to do. While the boat is being built, painters, carpenters, textile workers, metal finishers, at al are at work settign up the interior. You've also got designers & decorators involved. Another driver has to take the boat to the water where a crew must set to work preparing it for sailing. Somebody has to feed all these hungry people. And clothe them. Make their living quarters & goodies (since they're employed, they have money so entertainers are needed too)....

A lot of people are put to work in the trades & the service industry because of one rich guys action. This is before the real estate deal ever goes through. Imagine what that takes,

On the other hand, when a poor guy wants a boat, we all wait fro him to gather enough aluminum cans.

Lots of little guys buying smaller boats or other things has the effect of putting people to work. The little guys are also less likely to hoard their money. More people with money also makes more people happy.

Trickle down is just an excuse to make the rich richer.
Y'all can have the 'I'm right, you're wrong', 'you're silly' discussion in another thread. This isn't the place for it as my initial post and request stated.

And in case it eluded anyone's intellect, a 'discussion' can be had without attacking and name-calling. Again, that wasn't the intent of this thread and was specifically asked not to happen.
as usual, it went off topic...I was having a discussion with minkey, not debating the candidates.

I really could care less about whatever justification you care to present. You were clearly asked at the beginning of this thread to keep your two bits about what everyone else posted to yourself, and you couldn't. That shows a disgusting lack of respect for the original poster.
thanks for the neg nalani. sorry, i simply forgot what thread i was in. and the remark wasn't so incisive. i really hope you never make a mistake.
I would like to say I know where both candidates stand on the issues,but both seem more interested slagging the other than actually campaigning their own thoughts .
thanks for the neg nalani. sorry, i simply forgot what thread i was in. and the remark wasn't so incisive. i really hope you never make a mistake.

Hence the constant reminders of what thread you are in. It's not about making a mistake - it's about a simple request of respect in one of hundreds of threads. If you can't or won't oblige the very simple request it's quite simple - don't post in this single thread because it's not helpful.

A.B. - as of late it has seemed that way, hasn't it? I've been reading more on Bob like Gato suggested and checked out that link that spike provided. Really interesting stuff and I think I'm a bit closer to a decision.
I think it's really neat that you can put aside party, and assess the candidates on their merits alone. :)

As far as my preference, I would have to go with Obama as his left-wing views align more closely with mine than McCains. However, prior to Palin being nominated VP, I would have been happy enough with either candidate (McCain is fairly centrist). However, Palin scares the bejeebus outta me, because of her stance on abortion, etc.

Additionally, I'm not sure, with the economy sucking donkey biscuits, that a de-regulation guy would be that helpful. I think the market needs more regulation, not less, so for that reason as well, I lean towards Obama.

Some issues to think about this coming election:

*economy / deficit
*Iraq / Afghanistan
*Roe v Wade

Ask yourself where you stand on these issues, and then look at which candidate best represents your viewpoint.
*economy / deficit
*Iraq / Afghanistan
*Roe v Wade

*healthcare: I am not willing to turn over 1/7 of the entire U.S. economy to bureaucrats who can't even issue a drivers license efficiently. My candidate would do far less damage along these lines although I fault my candidate for meddling in the healthcare industry at all.

*economy / deficit: My candidate tried to head off the financial crisis but was thwarted by party politics.

*Iraq / Afghanistan: My candidate has had military leadership experience.

*Roe v Wade: My candidate stands on the preservation of life.

My candidate is John McCain.