Enemies Of Free Speech Call For Internet Licensing

I would venture to guess the majority of illegal porn hosting is illegitimately hosted overseas. Licensing isn't going to phase the few sources, but only create headaches for lawful internet availability for the masses who have better things to do online.
Is there a nation where child porn is legal?

Even if there wasn't, lets face it: Eastern European police forces aren't prioritized to fight and take down a bunch of nobodies with a few servers in their basement *shrug*.
Find the guilty parties & prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

We don't need new laws, we need to enforce the old ones.

Again...you cannot prosecute across country boundaries. They seem to be talking about new ways of finding the guilty parties and prosecute them.
Yea, that's it.


"This is a case in which the assignment of a relative number — one or two — wouldn't mean, or change, a damn thing. And it didn't." The official said the U.S. government "has to keep its eyes on a host of threats, challenges and opportunities overseas. That's how it works."
That is a red herring.

Having a license and using your fingerprint in order to use the Internet would help in combating child pornography, however, the end does not justify the means.

The whole license thing is something being tossed out there...brainstorming. It would never work and would never be implemented. There's your red herring, my friend.

Combating child porn is NOT a red herring... it's one of the major crimes associated with the internet.
Crap...lost my text. Basically, the whole article is a load of mis-quotes, stuff taken out of context, and petty conspiracy theories.
odd how "conspiracy theory" tv shows seem to be among the highest rated these days, ain't it?

or did ya know that?
Right up there with watching car crashes, fist fights in Hockey, and bitches throwing chairs at the 'fathers' of their children on Geraldo. :)

Of course they're popular...the same way that the 911 conspiracy thing won't die, nor the birthers, nor the flat earth, nor abducted by aliens.

People WANT to believe.
no, Waaaay above those.
Higher now than before in history too.

You counting "Lost" as a conspiracy tv show, or Grey's Anatomy?

I don't consider any of those above a certain show with the "I want to believe' tag line..not even close.
hmm, well, maybe you get different programing than we do here.

Ventura's new mini series blew most other progs out of the water.
And everybody knows that the internet shouldn't be censored...ever..at all..for any reason.

Tell me, Cerise. How would YOU deal with Child Pornography?
You can't lump censorship and child porn in the same category. That's like connecting carrying $100 in your wallet to theft of $100. Apples and oranges.

With regards to the much biased article below I'm including a link from ITU...

My personal perspective is this: no censorship; keep the government out of my InterWebs!

Countries like China and Australia censor the 'Net there under the disguise of "protecting the citizen". Do we want to be like this? I say "NO!" and "HELL NO!"

Yes, criminals will always exploit a weakness. Grifters will always find their marks and catching them will always be difficult. But as Ben Franklin said:
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." (or any of the variations of this quote you can find online)
1. Legal Measures: criminal activities committed over computer networks through legislation in an internationally compatible manner;

2. Technical and Procedural Measures: key measures for addressing vulnerabilities in software products, including accreditation schemes, protocols and standards;

3. Organizational Structures: a generic framework and optimal response strategies for the prevention, detection, response to and crisis management of cyberattacks, including the protection of countries� critical information infrastructure systems;

4. Capacity Building: elaborating strategies for concrete capacity-building mechanisms to raise awareness, transfer know-how and boost cybersecurity on the national policy agenda;

5. International Cooperation: multi-stakeholder strategy for international cooperation, dialogue and coordination in dealing with cyberthreats

I can lump it together as easily as gotholic can lump together attempts at securing network from cyber-attacks and freedom of speech, Valkyrie.

This is not a censorship issue, per se. It's about securing the internet from those who would use it as a weapon.
Yes, very nice... all about cyber-security. Now, how about pointing to the bits that bother you and stating the reasons why it bothers you?