enjoy privacy while it lasts


Well-Known Member
Profiling by grocery receipts?

Feds eye personal commercial data in terror search

By Andy Sullivan

WASHINGTON, March 31 — The U.S. government has discovered a powerful resource in its war against terrorism — credit-card records, hotel bills, grocery lists and other records detailing the private lives of its citizens. Government investigators are turning to commercial databases to track down and isolate possible hijackers and suicide bombers before they strike, raising fear among privacy advocates that long-standing protections against government snooping may be eroded.

Full Story (MSNBC)
So if I stay away from the Goat cheese and curdeled milk I should be ok right?


I mentioned in another thread the nice men from the secret service. At the time, when someone would call me, if I held the phone after they hung up, about five seconds would elapse before there would be a loud click and the dial tone would come back. Of course, it hasn't happened in over tweny years, but I've always assumed I had no privacy (and if they were watching, then they've seen some sick and depraved behavior).

Remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that everyone is not out to get you.*peepwall*
I called President Ford (well, I tried about thirty or so times) to ask what he got in exchange for pardoning Nixon. I was really pissed off about it at the time. I still have a problem with someone trying to circumvent the constitution, but Nixon is dead now. Evidently, when someone calls for the president thirty or so times in a few days, the secret service wants to talk to them (can you imagine). They were very polite and very professional. I was very scared, but except for the phone thing nothing ever came of it.

Oh yeah, when I was in junior high school, I was involved in leading the FBI away from Father Dan Berrigan. They knew about that, and that was what scared me most.
Remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that everyone is not out to get you. *peepwall*
I don't know that one, but play a few bars on this flute, and I'll see if I can pick it up.:D

Oh shit, ku'u, don't read this one!
unclehobart said:
They've been doing it for years. Tis nothing new.

Ya know that little grocery store card that saves you 15%....

Professur said:
Can you say ca$h?

Haven't you heard? Large amounts of cash, on your person, is now illegal. You must be a drug lord.
Gonz said:
unclehobart said:
They've been doing it for years. Tis nothing new.

Ya know that little grocery store card that saves you 15%....

You mean the one thats registered to Bul Lshite of 5432 North South St; Nowhere, KS 76000? :confuse3: Yes, I have three of them, registered to three fake addresses. Three fake names. Three fake phone numbers. Three valid card sets. :)