Equality ...if you can get it


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Swedish men left frustrated by state sex aid policy

Gov pharmacy pushes dildos over plastic vaginas

Outraged Swedish men are up in arms over the state run pharmacy Apoteket’s policy of stocking only female-oriented sex toys.

Perhaps surprisingly, Swedish pharmacies have only been permitted to stock toys since June. However, what seemed like liberation has been revealed as a dastardly plot to promote female (self) pleasure whilst leaving men bereft of the benefits of silicone-enhanced loving.
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Well, at least according to two Swedish men, who have complained that the state run Apoteket was shockingly female-oriented, and they have taken their grievances to the Scandanavian country’s equal opportunities body.

According to Swedish website thelocal.se, one of them bemoaned the site’s “misguided and untrue view on sexuality where a woman with a dildo is seen as liberated, strong and independent, whereas a man with a blow-up plastic vagina is viewed as disgusting and perverted".

Not so, said the pharmacy, whose head of products told thelocal: "As I understand it, there are no products of good quality for men on the market. Should there be such products specifically for men, then there is nothing stopping us from selling them.” Perhaps the execs should be checking in with the complainants who seem to have a good line on blow-up plastic vaginas.

Apparently the state discrimination organisation has declared there is no discrimination, because Apoteket will sell its products to both men and women.

A quick perusal of Apotket does indeed throw up plenty of female-oriented toys. The front page throws what is either a selection of sex aids, or some sort of obstruction-clearing device. Either way, the heading translates as “make it comfortable”.

Clicking on the link reveals that it is indeed a gateway to femme-friendly delights, serving up a selection of such pharma essentials as the massagestav, the kitorisvibrator and the vaginakulor.

The site also appears to be promoting a Sluta Roka Program, though clicking on the link only reveals a series of video chats between a Hugh Laurie-alike in a suede cardie and people in white coats. ®

For fuck's sake. Just buy your own and shut up. Why on earth are they distributing any sex toy? Don't get me wrong, I love sex toys but I think if I want one I should have to foot the bill.
Control the quality if you buy it yourself... it'll go a long way over deciding if you've gotten a decent product, or just gotten f@cked ;)
What's up with these Swedish guys? They forget how to just plain ol' jerk off? Come on- even the cavemen did it. You don't need a plastic toy for that!
I obviously missed something...I don't see where it says they're getting sex toys for free. I just see that the pharmacies are only stocking female sex toys and if there were good quality mens toys they'd SELL those too. The word sell makes me think noone is giving anything away...
Government run and regulated pharmacies but people still pay for the things they buy there. Prices are regulated and according to my research certain things, such as prescription meds, are sometimes subsidized after a person has spent over a certain amount in a given year. It doesn't mean that they get the stuff for free. Like AB said, some provinces in Canada have government run liquor stores...but people still pay for their booze.
I guess I should also say that according to my research ALL pharmacies in Sweden are government regulated.

AB: It's not included in a condom package, it's sold on its own but made by a condom manufacturer (I may have to look into getting one of them). On that note though, they do sell vibrating penis rings in some condom packages now.
...certain things, such as prescription meds, are sometimes subsidized....

Everybody pays. Great plan. Wouldn't it be better to force the corporations to just give their stuff away? :cuss:
Our government run dispensaries are either free or way reduced cost. Assumption on my part then.
Ah, equality at last ... not

Swedish transsexuals offered prosthetic todgers

All well and good, but no wood

By Lester Haines • Get more from this author

Posted in Bootnotes, 7th November 2008 15:23 GMT

Swedish transsexual men will as of 1 January next year be able to avail themselves of free prosthetic penises courtesy of their local health authorities - a move designed to offer former women the same kind of gender-bending support previously enjoyed only by their ex-bloke counterparts.

The Local explains: "While transsexual women have long been eligible for publicly funded wigs, breast implants, and hair removal operations, transsexual men have previously been without any corresponding cosmetic adjustment assistance."

Fair enough, you might think, but there's one fundamental flaw in the strapadictomy initiative - the plastic todgers are unable to achieve wood because of "regulations which prohibit the use of taxpayer money to pay for products or procedures considered to be sexual aids".

So, while it's fine and dandy to sport a "cosmetic" cock, one which might become hideously empurpled is classed as a sex toy, and therefore strictly off the freebie menu.

This doesn't much impress sexologist Cecilia Dhejne from Stockholm's Karolinska Hospital who, although agreeing the fake spam javelin giveaway is "an important step forward", said it's "pretty strange to approve prosthetics that can’t get erect, because that is after all what penises do - get erections". She added: "It would be appropriate to pay for those as well."

Immanuel Brändemo from Kim, a group which "advocates for issues related to gender, identity and diversity", agreed that transsexual men were getting "the short end of the stick" regarding "how the medical community and society view the challenges they face following sex change operations".

He said: “I know girls who even after the operation are met with resistance from their doctors who don’t think that they should have a sex life at all. They should be happy to have a sex organ that looks good. Transsexualism is seen as some sort of disability and 'handicapped' people are still not expected to have a sex life."

Transsexual men can, of course, stump up themselves for a fully-functioning prosthetic dick, like this inflatable wang (link NSFW), but they may find the €1209 price tag a bit stiff.* ®

*Thanks, you've been a lovely audience, I'll be here all week, etc, etc.

I still like my implant idea... insert an air bladder, replace one of the balls with an air pump, find a hidden place for the release valve and it would work like the Reebok "Pump" shoes of the early 1990s.