ESO's VLT in Chile


<b>mod cow</b>
OK, that image of the sky in the astronomical picture of the day reminded me of 2 pairs of telescopes in Chile, build under the supervision of the ESO.
They are called the VLT (Very Large Telescope) and the power of them doesn't lie in the size of their mirrors, but in the way they can combine their power to function as one HUGE telescope.
Not only when looking at the invisible light, but also when doing experiments with the interferometer, which is build in underground tunnels.

They have been used for a while now, and i suddenly had to think of their beauty, so i thought i'd post it here :)

Some links:

Photo gallery of the VLT
The Paranal Observatory - VLT
The European Southern Observatory

Pretty sure you'll like it, and the deeplinks to images made by the different observatories :)

The location of the Paranal Observatory, look at the beautiful environment! :)


Kuu once showed me some pics of a telescope on top of the mountain in Hawaii (no, I am not saying there is only one mouantain, she called it "the mountain") it was SO neat!

You should post the link Kuu! :)
I think that was Mauna Kea? That was the only one i know at least...:)

Found a link to the different telescopes mounted there...