Ethical question

freako104 said:
but see OZ thats not as funny as say him in the flood :p

Yeah.......but the awkward bugger might survive the flood

*has weird vision of Bush walking on the water*

But if I can get a clear shot into his spine before he goes under the water..............
hmmm thats not a bad idea.

oohhhh I think ill do this instead. take a picture get it developed and when I do get doubles one will be b/w and one will be colour
MrBishop said:
Please don't answer it without giving it some serious thought.

Remember that your answer needs to be honest, yet spontaneous.

You wanna make up your mind there, dude. Think about it, or be spontaneous. They're mutually exclusive.
Luis G said:
Can i throw him a rock or something as well?? :D

SURE you can Luis!!!

Color - want to catch every expression on his face, and yell out -HOPE YOU HAVE AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE???????
a13antichrist said:
The prick would never go to Florida.

He never even went to blimmin' New Orleans.

Really? To be honest, he had no business going there. That was a state matter until the levee broke. That's when he actually showed up there, BTW. Here's a kicker for you, though...If he'd have shown up the first day, how many folks would claim he was 'grand-standing'?

One more poignant thought. Even though this thread started with a bad joke, ethically speaking, why are so many of you glorifying a mans death based solely upon your political choice?