Evangelical hypocrisy...now with even more gay sex

Honestly Tonks, we all choose which threads to read here. Many I never open, but it hardly bothers me that they are there. If two people want to continue a lenghty debate even when others have lost interest, I don't see the problem.

(And yes, I do read it - well, skim through it - now and then.)
Okay...But you are just the first person to voice the opinion of wanting to read the 2 of them discussing this ad nauseum...I really don't care either way myself....except that I do have to read it to make sure they are playing nice.
but whatever.
I don't expect to change your mind. The debate is entertaining.

Which further proves you do not want understanding or answers, just to speak your mind. I should stop casting pearls before swine. And stop now I will.

spike, you can have the last word.
Which further proves you do not want understanding or answers, just to speak your mind.

Oh, were you looking for understanding and answers while I wasn't?

Self-righteousness, unfounded assumptions, personal judgements, and insults. Typical last resort from self righteous folk when their arguements are broken down. I thought maybe you had more class than that.
Which further proves you do not want understanding or answers, just to speak your mind. I should stop casting pearls before swine. And stop now I will.

Consider yourself, now, enlighten farther.:D

I learned the hard way too. :p
It's like watching a fist-fight in a Monastery.

Okay...that's 2. That ties the amount of folks asking me to have these guys take it to PM...:shrug:
And I assume that Spike and Goth don't wanna go to PM so that's 4 vs 2 (3 if you include me) so the discussion continues unchecked.