

100% Pure Canadian Beef
Ok, answer me this.

Just because it has come up again.

Why do people feel the need to try and save my soul, after I have made it clear that I do not follow their religion.

I do not believe in Christ, why can't that be accepted?

I do not walk door to door, nor preach to acquiescences about how he does not exist.

Why preach to me that he does?

For me to pray to Jesus, would be breaking one of the 10 commandments.

"Do not make an image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above..."

This prohibits the construction or fashioning of "idols" in the likeness of created things (beasts, fish, birds, people) and worshipping them.
As a Christian, I have always felt that the best Evangelist is one that does not preach. The best way to lead someone is to make them want to follow. Live a life that others admire and want to follow. Then you can "show them the way".

BTW, the bible is somewhat cryptic, but it does mention that there is one sin that can not be repented in the eyes of god. It is my belief that this sin is to destroy another's belief in god. i.e. the priest that rapes a child and turns them from god.
It's the whole 'brother's keeper' thing. Being a modern day apostle. A good line is: "Thank you for thinking of me, but G_d has chosen a different path for me"

Works well often enough.
People can not abide other people doing something that they would not to. Look at the whole gay thing, the interracial thing, even tattoos. Are these things even remotely important to the non-participant? No...but folks just can't seem to move passed them and let others live their lives however they see fit.
I generally let things like that slide except for when they get in everyone's faces with it. Is the first thing I need to know about you (general) really that you're gay?
As a Christian, I have always felt that the best Evangelist is one that does not preach. The best way to lead someone is to make them want to follow. Live a life that others admire and want to follow. Then you can "show them the way".

exactly! my bff is christian, and she's very big on "witnessing through the way you love others"... which i think is awesome. i admire her for that WAY more than i admire someone who tries to see how may people they can "save"... because i wouldn't admire them at all.
As a Christian, I have always felt that the best Evangelist is one that does not preach. The best way to lead someone is to make them want to follow. Live a life that others admire and want to follow. Then you can "show them the way".

That I can respect, lead by example, while it may not make someone into a believer, they may follow the example

BTW, the bible is somewhat cryptic, but it does mention that there is one sin that can not be repented in the eyes of god. It is my belief that this sin is to destroy another's belief in god. i.e. the priest that rapes a child and turns them from god.

I thought that would be suicide. According to the RCs if you repent truly, and confess your sins, everything is forgivable.
It is my personal belief that you get a last chance to repent after death. And, I know what your thinking, "Well hell, I can live it up and say I'm sorry later." However, I don't think true repentance is as easy as most think. And even if you do repent the afore mentioned sin, it's "nice try, but no dice".
Actually I wasn't thinking that, as I am a non-believer.

Though I was under the impression that once you breathed you last, your fate was done.
It's just my belief. If Jesus was right, then what about those who never heard of him or, even more to the point, what about those who died before him. Am I to believe that they don't get the chance? Might not fit in with organized religions, but I was never big on those. I am spiritual and not religious, if that makes sense.
It does, and if it is all real, I assume those who died before christ got in, grandfather clause and all that.
What about the millions (billions?) living peaceful, loving lives worshipping Allah, Buddha, God but not Jesus, Vishnu, Mother Earth? I struggle with accepting they will not see a blessed afterlife. In fact, I simply do not accept it.
Unless God's an egotistical so-n-so, it's how you live your life and not where you go to pray (or if you pray at all, or to one face/name(s) of god or another) that counts.

You can be the most pious person on Earth, but if you're a SOB once you stop darkening the churches' doorstep, you're out...no matter how many crucifixes you have around your neck or tattooed on your body, eh.
...and if it's the case where the number of times you attend church X that counts more than how you lived your life...then frankly, save me a spot in purgatory/hell...all my friends and family'll be there.
Why do people feel the need to try and save my soul, after I have made it clear that I do not follow their religion.

I do not believe in Christ, why can't that be accepted?

I do not walk door to door, nor preach to acquiescences about how he does not exist.

Why preach to me that he does?

My thoughts exactly! Leave me and my 400,000 gods alone and I'll leave you and your 1 god alone.
"How can a guy (or gal) buy air time on a radio or television station and get people to send in their money, sell advertisements and make endorsements and otherwise run it like a business but call it religion, and not pay taxes? The I.R.S. isn't even allowed to look at their books". -Frank Zappa
Why do people feel the need to try and save my soul, after I have made it clear that I do not follow their religion.

Indoctrination is a primitve survival mechanism of the institution as is labelling the non members as something foul. Not all sects have been able to shake the old habits.