Even England knows their health care system is junk

having used hospital equipment without authorization

Well, AZ shouldn't feel all alone for acting in their best interest then having the feds come after them

Peakes woman loses her baby, dignity while awaiting hospital treatment

Published on July 29th, 2010
Wayne Thibodeau

Christine Handrahan describes hours of tension in emergency room

Losing her first baby was devastating enough but having to do it in a crowded waiting room is what angered Christine Handrahan the most.

The 29-year-old Peakes woman was nine weeks pregnant when on July 12 she started bleeding.

Fearing the worst, Handrahan and her husband, Michael, headed to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital’s new emergency room.

There she waited more than three hours, blood seeping out of her jeans, tears rolling down her face as she feared she was losing her baby — or that she might be bleeding to death.

Still, she waited and waited.

More than three hours passed before Michael had enough.

Only one patient had gone through the big glass doors to see a doctor so he knew the wait was going to be extensive.

Michael helped his wife out of a wheelchair into his truck and they made the 45-minute drive to Prince County Hospital in Summerside. There she was immediately rushed into the hospital’s emergency room where the mother-to-be was told that she had a miscarriage.

“What bothered me the most was the fact that I had to sit in public going through a miscarriage — in public,” Handrahan said.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19207050/ - L.A. Woman dies in ER lobby as 911 refuses to help

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25475759/ - NY - Caught on tape: Hospital patient left to die

http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,433121,00.html - Texas - Man, 58, Dies of Cardiac Arrest After 19-Hour Emergency Room Wait

http://newsflavor.com/world/usa-can...pital-staff-in-a-pennsylvania-emergency-room/ - Penn - 63 Year Old Man Dies Unoticed by Hospital Staff in a Pennsylvania Emergency Room

About 406,000 results (0.38 seconds) - USA alone.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19207050/ - L.A. Woman dies in ER lobby as 911 refuses to help

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25475759/ - NY - Caught on tape: Hospital patient left to die

http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,433121,00.html - Texas - Man, 58, Dies of Cardiac Arrest After 19-Hour Emergency Room Wait

http://newsflavor.com/world/usa-can...pital-staff-in-a-pennsylvania-emergency-room/ - Penn - 63 Year Old Man Dies Unoticed by Hospital Staff in a Pennsylvania Emergency Room

About 406,000 results (0.38 seconds) - USA alone.

And you expect this to improve with Medicare? Even you aren't gullible enough to believe that. I wonder if you dug a little deeper, how many ER beds you'd find occupied by illegals and criminals, drug addicts and other human waste while these people were drying in the corridors.

My own mother lay in an ER waiting room for over half a day this year with a fractured pelvis and wasn't even offered an aspirin. The more people with access, the worse it will be for everyone.

You don't feed the poor by stealing food off the table of the rich. A feast for a family doesn't make for as much as a bite for the masses. You need to plant new fields ... not just open the food stores.
Here in So California, ER's are stacked with illegal aliens. I wouldn't bother even trying to get in one, I usually just hit the urgent care or my Px.

Yeah, the future doctor shortage isn't going to make things any better.
Osamadeathcare is the best!

In large swaths of Phoenix they closed all the ER’s
long ago. The white folks still have a place to go.
It’s called Scottsdale heh heh
My own mother lay in an ER waiting room for over half a day this year with a fractured pelvis and wasn't even offered an aspirin. The more people with access, the worse it will be for everyone.

Great..now imagine if she'd been living in the states and didn't have insurance.
We don't have to imagine we live here
We know the facts


He doesn't live there.
He lives up here
where having kids doesn't cost between $5000 - $14,000 each
where a simple appendectomy doesn't cost between $10-24k
where hip surgery doesn't cost between $20-45k
where chemo doesn't cost $1500 per visit
and I live in a real country where
at least until Osamadeathcare goes into
effect, everyone has access to the greatest
medical system on the planet

oh and you get what you pay for
if your healthcare is like our public
school system I can’t wait to see our
soon to be failed experiment in socialized
medicine repealed before it can kill too many people
He doesn't live there.
He lives up here
where having kids doesn't cost between $5000 - $14,000 each
where a simple appendectomy doesn't cost between $10-24k
where hip surgery doesn't cost between $20-45k
where chemo doesn't cost $1500 per visit

Damn you're gullible. Or just outright stupid, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just go with gullible. I almost wish I'd kept my pay stubs for the last 24 years and could give you the exact totals it HAS cost me ... at gun point ... with no options, no price shopping, no negotiation. Dictated by politicians and enforced by the tax cops. I do find it comical that you'd include having babies in there, since illegals are famous for rushing labouring mothers to the ER to drop their anchor babies ... then leaving Joe Taxpayer on the hook for the bill. And as for hip surgery ... Mum asked about knee replacement. No can do. TREATMENT REFUSED!!! She pays for cortisone shots into the knee out of her pension money.... If she can get an appointment. She went today to the clinic to try and schedule one. Next available appointment ... end of Sept. In case you missed it .. that's a month in pain until she can pay for the privilege of treatment.

And for what it's worth ... I pay into a group insurance just like most americans do. To cover all the health instances that the miracle of Medicare doesn't cover ... like sight and teeth. Like the medications needed to continue to treat what's wrong with you after the doctors have dismissed you from the hospital. I'll wager that between the gov't deductions and the group insurance, I'm not saving anything compared to any american here.
DOn't assume, Prof that all the taxes you pay on salary is going towards medicare nor that the pittance which is taken from your pay bi-weekly can come close to compare vs. the amounts american health insurance companies would cahrge you for similar coverage with no deductible.

As a atest - I put in an online quote request for a family of 5. similar specs.
with a $1200 deductible for the lower two quotes and only a $200 deductible for the middle two.

THink about it for a second and take a good look at your last pay check..no need to go back all that far. Does it include between $350-$611 for medical insurance?

C'mon... won't hurt to look. You might learn something.

Here..even you can play
When was the last time a new medication was invented by a Canadian or British firm?