having used hospital equipment without authorization
Well, AZ shouldn't feel all alone for acting in their best interest then having the feds come after them
having used hospital equipment without authorization
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19207050/ - L.A. Woman dies in ER lobby as 911 refuses to help
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25475759/ - NY - Caught on tape: Hospital patient left to die
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,433121,00.html - Texas - Man, 58, Dies of Cardiac Arrest After 19-Hour Emergency Room Wait
http://newsflavor.com/world/usa-can...pital-staff-in-a-pennsylvania-emergency-room/ - Penn - 63 Year Old Man Dies Unoticed by Hospital Staff in a Pennsylvania Emergency Room
About 406,000 results (0.38 seconds) - USA alone.
My own mother lay in an ER waiting room for over half a day this year with a fractured pelvis and wasn't even offered an aspirin. The more people with access, the worse it will be for everyone.
We don't have to imagine we live here
We know the facts
He doesn't live there.
He lives up here
where having kids doesn't cost between $5000 - $14,000 each
where a simple appendectomy doesn't cost between $10-24k
where hip surgery doesn't cost between $20-45k
where chemo doesn't cost $1500 per visit