Even Pravda recognizes Obama for what he is.


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Barack Obama becomes USA's Mikhail Gorbachev
Front page / World / Americas
08.06.2009 Source: Pravda.Ru

History may repeat itself two or three times or even reach the point, which Francis Fukuyama described as the end of history. The US historian of Japanese origin introduced the notion during the time when there were two dominating superpowers in the world – the United States and the Soviet Union.

When the USSR collapsed and Russia lost much of its international influence, the USA became the world’s number one gendarme. That was the time, when US presidents started making one mistake after another. Their mistakes eventually led to the phenomenon, which is currently known as the clash of civilizations. America needed an enemy. America needed oil. Both were found in one country – Iraq.

US President George W. Bush declared the date of September 11, 2001 as the beginning of new history in the world and announced the crusade against the international terrorism, which took roots in radical countries of the Muslim world.

Pakistan found itself involved in the US-led war in Afghanistan. The relations between the United States and Iran were finally ruined and were balancing on the brink of war during the last year of Bush’s presidency.

The new president of the United States of America, the first Afro-American of the Muslim origin, Barack Hussein Obama, had to face the severe reality of Bush’s legacy.

As soon as the United States found itself in the middle of the economic crisis, the administration of the country decided that it was the best time to launch the struggle for peace in the whole world. This is exactly what Mikhail Gorbachev was doing during the agony of the Soviet Union.

Barack Obama did not say anything when Israeli troops were destroying residential quarters in the Gaza Strip during the Cast Lead operation in Palestine. Obama was as silent as a sphinx.

The sphinx started talking.

Obama said during his landmark speech at the Cairo University that the state of affairs in Palestine was unbearable. He also emphasized that the USA’s ties with Israel were indestructible. Obama quoted the Holy Book of all Muslims, the Qur’an and urged the people of all religions to live in peace with each other. However, good words do not leave a sweet taste in the mouth.

Obama says that it would be good to give a new incentive to the dialogue with the Muslim world. Will the US administration be able to recognize the rights of the Palestinian Authority to create an independent state? Will the US administration ever realize that the Muslim world is not a pack of cards which the USA can play to win the geopolitical leadership?

History repeats itself. The Mideastern tour of the Afro-American head of the White House was promoted as a new page in the relations between America and the Muslim world. As a matter of fact, Mr. Obama simply did what his predecessors had done before him.

Ivan Tulyakov
What's the point of this thread Jim?

This Ivan guy thinks that Obama is Muslim and that proves something bad?
that would be good... for the gene pool...

ivan is not particularly skilled with the english language. he's really not saying anything.

and, again, the question remains: what's with the continued assertions of obama being muslim, as if that is something negative?
Well, I guess the proof is in that none of you read past the line about him being of Muslim origin; and that is why you missed the last line of the story which read:

"History repeats itself. The Mideastern tour of the Afro-American head of the White House was promoted as a new page in the relations between America and the Muslim world. As a matter of fact, Mr. Obama simply did what his predecessors had done before him."

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Well, I guess the proof is in that none of you read past the line about him being of Muslim origin; and that is why you missed the last line of the story which read:

"History repeats itself. The Mideastern tour of the Afro-American head of the White House was promoted as a new page in the relations between America and the Muslim world. As a matter of fact, Mr. Obama simply did what his predecessors had done before him."

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

yes jim, we couldn't get past it. you just tricked all of us with your clever use of bold text. ready to answer the question? oh, right, you bolded that part just to distract us from uncovering the deeper meaning of...

"Mr. Obama simply did what his predecessors had done before him."

and again, ivan has said nothing. if you find meaning in this article, that's super, but to me, it's tripe.

you've outfoxed us again, you sly old codger!
and, again, the question remains: what's with the continued assertions of obama being muslim, as if that is something negative?

I don't thinks it's just an assertion.

....."the President himself experienced Islam on three continents before he was able to -- or before he's been able to visit, really, the heart of the Islamic world -- you know, growing up in Indonesia, having a Muslim father -- obviously Muslim Americans (are) a key part of Illinois and Chicago."

In his April 6 address to the Turkish Parliament, President Obama referenced how many "Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim majority country. I know, because I am one of them."

...and the point is?

Cerise - to put it bluntly. What's wrong with Muslims that you wouldn't want your president being one?
Well, I guess the proof is in that none of you read past the line about him being of Muslim origin; and that is why you missed the last line of the story which read:

"History repeats itself. The Mideastern tour of the Afro-American head of the White House was promoted as a new page in the relations between America and the Muslim world. As a matter of fact, Mr. Obama simply did what his predecessors had done before him."

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
They are all politicians, if that's what you're getting at. They will all pretty much do what's right by the people that got them where they are. That's what they do.

However, since this is an opinion piece I'll speak my own opinion which has as much weight as Ivan's. I do not agree that Obama is doing what his predecessors have done before him. GW had a completely different strategy for diplomacy. Same with Carter. Yet goal-wise some of them may have had the same wish: peace in the Middle East (see Camp David Accords - Peace between Israel and Egypt, 1978).

War is expensive and we do not have the money to throw around anymore that GW Bush had when he sent us down this economic spiral.

As for the blog/opinion piece, there's a lot of nothing being said. :shrug:
I don't thinks it's just an assertion.

"As president, Barack Obama has mentioned Jesus Christ in a number of high-profile public speeches — something his predecessor George W. Bush rarely did in such settings, even though Bush’s Christian faith was at the core of his political identity.

In his speech Thursday in Cairo, Obama told the crowd that he is a Christian and mentioned the Islamic story of Isra, in which Moses, Jesus and Mohammed joined in prayer."


Winky said:
and so do I

Are you guys white supremacists Winky?
...and the point is?

Now it is O.K. to say "Hussein" and mention the One's Muslim roots, but before he got elected, it wasn't.

Does anyone have any idea why?

Cerise - to put it bluntly. What's wrong with Muslims that you wouldn't want your president being one?

Would one be able to fulfill the requirements of being a natural born citizen and uphold Article II, Section 1:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States


By the way, growing govt. bigger, reducing options for self-defense, and minimizing our armed forces isn't preserving, protecting, or defending.
Now it is O.K. to say "Hussein" and mention the One's Muslim roots, but before he got elected, it wasn't.

Does anyone have any idea why?

It's just always been stupid to stress his middle name as if it was an insult. No difference now.

Would one be able to fulfill the requirements of being a natural born citizen and uphold Article II, Section 1:


By the way, growing govt. bigger, reducing options for self-defense, and minimizing our armed forces isn't preserving, protecting, or defending.

Wasting vast sums of money and lives on non-threats while increasing terrorism certainly isn't.
Now it is O.K. to say "Hussein" and mention the One's Muslim roots, but before he got elected, it wasn't.

Does anyone have any idea why?

Would one be able to fulfill the requirements of being a natural born citizen and uphold Article II, Section 1:

1) Context, sunshine. If you're using it like a slur, it doesn't matter if you're calling him a muslim or a christian or a jew...it's still being used as a slur...so again, what's wrong with being Muslim?

2) I don't see why not. Again..what does his religion have to do with his ability to lead?
It's just always been stupid to stress his middle name as if it was an insult. No difference now.

And referring to Bush Jr as Dubya wasn't? Lord, I wish you people would get the message. Nearly every insult, dig and slight the conservatives level a Obama has a mirror from the liberals leveled at Bush. And before that, at Clinton, and before that ..... Are you all really so blind that you can't see you're chasing your own tails?

quit whining about lost elections. quit adoring your idols. Start paying attention to the real issues and stop focusing on who's hands are on the reins. All of you.