Ever get that feeling

from that page
AA Battery 4 pack
Sony Alkaline batteries, the perfect solution for high-drain continuous use situations. Like marriage. Perhaps not...

LMAO :rofl4:
Man I need me one of those...oh wait, maybe not...I've been told by the few folks that know that I know how to type that I should keep it under wraps else everyone will want me to type stuff for them when the admin assistants are up to their ears in work...and I'm currently up to the top of my head in work so we don't need the info of my typing speed getting out.
Don't these two statements go against each other?

The hamster and its wheel are powered by USB


Requires 2 AA batteries
I wouldn't buy it...but if they had a little monkey sitting at a KB with his hands going up and down when I typed...that'd be funny :D