Ever look yourself up online?

ClaireBear said:
Now that is scary!

But you must work in IT or something I guess... or have your own web site maybe?

I didn't even bother googling "ClaireBear" there are millions of us out there! Infact on some forums I have to chose a different tag... as all the variations are already taken!
No. No website. Tis just 1000s of snippets of me in and amongst the gazillion places where I've left my own special brand of snail slime.
Stop Laughing turns up a ton of results. One of the top hits is a comedy troupe in Australia called "Stop laughing, this is serious!" Most of the other results are about a book called "Please stop laughing at me." Last time I searched 'SL', it took like 20 pages to find a result to here.

My full real name (Keith Cameron Rosone) brings up only 6 results, 2 are me: one's results of a bowling tournament, the other's from the state high school chess tournament, I was the 81st best #1 board out of 103 :shrug: did better than I thought; 2 are my aunt Jean Rosone: one's Godzilla and the other's something from Dimension Films, she does costuming for TV and movies, BTW; and the other 2 I have no idea.

Taking out my middle name produces 75 results. The top one's our road rallye's member bios page (stupid tripod is popups galore :mad: ), and the next major result is the page of our state bowling site listing all of the tournament directors, and I'm the associate director for zone 3 in IL (Cook and Lake counties, one of the biggest zones in the country by participation, I'm sure :cool: ). The 3rd major result is here. Funny how my real name links better to this place than my screen name. Just over 1/3 of all the results are me.

BTW, doing a search for just Rosone brings up mostly pages in Italian, and one in Chinese for some reason...
My real name only gets me 1500 hits, though some of them are interesting. It seems tht I'm the president of a communications firm in Fresno, California :)

I helped capture a photo of a White Moose

I'm also a poet with a rather large following :)
My real name (without middle name) returns 353 results...I looked through the first 100 and one of them was me...it's on my school's servers...a list of people attending a BBQ last fall

My real name (without middle name) searched just in Canada returns 54 results and 2 of them are me...both are lists of peopel attending certain events at my school...so I guess both were on the first search too I just didn't get to the second one before giving up...

My full name (with middle name) returns nothing

Nixy returns over 9000 results...I only looked through the first 4 pages or so and on the second page was one that was me...points to here...
I did once with my real name but nothing came up. A chick in the south came up with her college aspirations and that is about it.
MrBishop said:
My real name only gets me 1500 hits, though some of them are interesting. It seems tht I'm the president of a communications firm in Fresno, California :)
Which communications firm? I spent four years in Fresno; I might have heard of it while I was there.