Ever wanted to control your dreams as you're dreaming them?

Lucid Dreaming is a lot of fun, but it can be dangerous. I think too much, when i am myself in my dreams. (this part is going to sound really weird just go with it)

If *in my dream as myself* i realize that i am looking at myself from a third person view, me in my dream, realises he/me is dreaming and just goes to town. Its a lot of fun to be dreaming about something, realising its a dream and deciding you want to be on top of the effiel tower with the girl you love.

I've lost this ability more and more over the year. When sleeping i actually used to picture a dream me, looking an a sleeping me(in my dream) and he would do whatever i did, hehe, i made myself wet the bed once when i was like 7 it was weird. a urinal was beside me bed so dream-awake-me went to the bathroom, so did dream-sleep-me and so did real-sleeping-me

You can actually teach yourself how to lucid dream but i would assume its tough, im going to check out that site thanks for posting it
I rarely remember my dreams these days, but when I do they are usually pre-cognitive. I put it down to the fact that I don't sleep as long as I used to (normally 6 - 7 hours tops), I usually go to sleep very fast and and wake up more slowly and I also wake at regular intervals during the night.
Recently I've found that I will wake abruptly from dreams. For the past few days, I've been sleeping 2-8, and I wake up at 8 immediately from a dream. Sometimes I can go back to sleep and continue the dream, other times I start another dream altogether. If I concentrate on the dream immediately afterwards (waking up), I'll remember it. Otherwise I won't. But when I dream, I wake up in the middle of it 90% of the time. Even when I don't use an alarm.
Scanty said:
Yeah, that's totally true. I try to fight people and it's like...where's all my speed!?

I guess it's similar to my "walking" dreams. Only that's I don't loose speed or any hability. But anyway I'm never able to get there or do anything properly. Things simply don't happen like they should. In your example I WOULD have stabbed the guy but he would not have died :confused:
About half of the dreams I had as a child were lucid dreams. I used to really look forward to going to sleep, because the dreaming was so damned fun.

I still have lucid dreams on occasion now... I think I usually can if I want to, but it just kinda lost the appeal a few years ago. I guess after years and years of controlling your dreams, it gets just a little boring... it's more fun to let my mind run wild and let the dream control me now. Sometimes, when I think about it in my dream, I'll take control just for a few moments to see if it still works. It always does. My theory is that if I'm able to "think" about it, then it's already pretty much a lucid dream, and it's just up to me as to whether I want to be in the driver's or passenger's seat at that point. I suppose I probably have plenty of dreams where it never occurs to me to take control, so it's hard to say if I could turn those into lucid dreams or not.

It's a little odd, but my lucid dreams were/are never completely lucid. They seem to have to stick to a general theme. In other words, much to my dissapointment, I can't halt a nightmare in the middle and conjure up Kathy Ireland to bang a few times. I can, however, stop the "nightmare" and wander around whatever environment I happen to be in, interacting with it on a somewhat concious level. Unnatural things like flying are fair game if I think about them, but that seems to happen less and less often now. It's almost as if the lucid dream activates a portion of the brain that isn't typically active during dreaming, but not the whole thing, so you don't quite have full cognitive abilities. For example, doing math while dreaming tends to be exceedingly difficult to me (it's one thing I usually try to do if I think about it, and more often than not it ends up waking me up).

The most bizarre dreams I've had were when the dream seemed to have run its course, either at my control or not, but the dream didn't end (at which point I was definitely in control)... kinda like a movie that's over but there's still just a lot of empty scenery on the screen and you can't leave the theater. It's realy frustrating, and boring. They seem to go on for hours and hours... just wandering around. Thankfully, they seem to happen much less often now. When I was younger, about the only thing that had any effect was going to sleep in the dream. Sometimes that let me "wake up" from the dream. Weird.

I think I'm kinda rare. Very few people people I've talked to about this have ever had a single lucid dream, much less with the consistency I once did, and still do to a lesser degree. I can remember the first lucid dream I had as a child, and I was fascinated by it. I think it was probably sheer "luck" that I had the first, and the fascination that allowed me to sort of develop that "skill" if it is even considered one. Strangely enough, I never bothered to do much reading about it - I suppose because everything I wanted to know about it I could learn by experiment.

People often think I'm nuts when I tell them about the cool stuff I dream about. I have really fantastic dreams... mostly science fiction and horror now, but they're almost always fun. I tend to remember most of them to some degree or another each morning, but they quickly fade. Were I ever to have the time to write a novel, I think I would have no problem coming up with absoutely insane plots. :)

One think I'm certain of... you remember dreams more vividly when someone wakes you up in the middle of one. If you don't think you dream, have a friend wake you up in the middle of the night a couple of times a week. Eventually, they will do it during a REM cycle, and you'll never wonder if you dream again. Also, I tend to remember a lot more of my dreams that happen in the morning between snooze alarms. From what I understand of sleep cycles, the body shouldn't enter REM sleep until it has been asleep for awhile, but I seem to drift in and out of dreams when the alarm is going off every fifteen minutes or so. Maybe I never fully wake up when turning off the alarm. That could possibly explain why I'm late to work just about every damn morning, and why I've gone through a dozen alarm clocks in the past decade. :D
"Sometimes I can go back to sleep and continue the dream" isnt this like *the* most fun ever!! :D

and OSI, i find im the exact same way, if i think about how im dreaming i can take over the dream, it was really cool when i was a kid but i dont do it as often as before, remembering dreams have always been with me but i remember pieces and i dont bother writing them down or just thinking them out to remember, i just hope my subconcious can work through what problems i have
outside looking in said:
Also, I tend to remember a lot more of my dreams that happen in the morning between snooze alarms. From what I understand of sleep cycles, the body shouldn't enter REM sleep until it has been asleep for awhile, but I seem to drift in and out of dreams when the alarm is going off every fifteen minutes or so. Maybe I never fully wake up when turning off the alarm. That could possibly explain why I'm late to work just about every damn morning, and why I've gone through a dozen alarm clocks in the past decade. :D

Know what ya mean, I remember many more dreams between the first time I wake up and when I finally get up after having gone back to sleep, than I do during teh night itself..

Funny thing is though, one of my mum's methods to get to to remember your dreams is to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING when you wake up, and to think of nothing at all either except "dreams" in general, and often your dreams will come back to you. So in fact it may well be that when you wake up, don't get up, and go back to slep, you're not dreaming but in effect "re-dreaming", by recalling the dream(s) you had but it seeming like a new dream, although you're not actually dreaming at the time.
i dislike dreaming.

i either have a bad dream that makes me feel like shit, or my dream is just too odd... and i tell it to the people who were in it (friends make lots of appearances in my dreams), and they think i'm nuts!

it would be cool if i could control whether or not i remember my dream. almost all nights, i'd choose not to. and then, on the nights that i did, i'd control it, if i could.
Perhaps the strangest dream I have ever had was when I was about 10. I got in an argument with this guy in my dream over something (I think it was what the appropriate name for a group of some animal or another was... flock, herd, etc.). I was sure I was right.

When I woke up, I was still sure I was right. I went straight to a dictionary and looked up the terms in question... and he was right. Can you learn something in a dream? Weird.
I hate the negative residual feelings when you wake up from a bad dream. I had a dream Rusty cheated on me once (while I watched of course) and I was still upset for a while after I woke up. It's tough to shake sometimes. But as intense as it can be, by the afternoon, I'd have forgotten all about it.
I have those residual feeling aswell. And sometimes I can't remember the dreams, I just know by the way I'm depressed I dreamt with something sad :( . The most srange "dream" I ever had: I heard a noise ten opened my eyes to check the door of my bedroom there were light on the corridor. I thought "who the hell is awake at this hour?". And then stared for a moments at the door waiting to hear more sounds. I heard no one then I thought I had forgot the lights on and woke up to switch them off. When I woke up I realized I was sleeping and the lights were off! :eek: It scared me I had a clear sensation I was already awake :confuse3:
I remember one time I woke up from a very strange dream to find myself standing in the bath tub, fully clothed in the middle of the might. For absolutely no reason. :D
That was me. Mind control. Apparently it didn't work though, did you get the camera set up before you got in the tub?
One time, I went to sleep in my bed and woke up at 4 a.m. in the recliner in the living room, remote in hand with Bugs Bunny cartoons on TNT on the TV. I'd be interested to know what dream I had that night.
PuterTutor said:
That was me. Mind control. Apparently it didn't work though, did you get the camera set up before you got in the tub?

Gross, man. I was like 10 years old.
