Ever wanted to control your dreams as you're dreaming them?

Does anyone else have that thing where if you try to control something/eat something/taste something in your dream you wake up?
Scanty said:
Does anyone else have that thing where if you try to control something/eat something/taste something in your dream you wake up?

Me, mainly 'cause if i know i can control it i'm also conscious, therefore i wake up.
I think we discussed this before but do you ever notice if you have your senses (besides sight and hearing) in your dreams? If you do eat something, do you taste it? Smell something? Also do you dream in color? It goes both ways, some do some don't. I don't think I have senses in my dreams but I know I dream in color.
a13antichrist said:
She helps people interpret their dreams (as opposed to interpreting them for them), teaches them how to be more effective at remembering them. I think taking control of them is part of it somewhere too but I'm not sure..

Alladin has a point, I don't think I would want to go that far with dreams. I think it's supposed to be freeform for a reason. Did you ever take part in it with her a13? Have you been able to do it?
Just noticed how you move in the dreams? You just think in going to somewhere and you appear there. Often my dreams end sooner because I want to go soemwhere and I *have* to walk there. Then I spend a lot of time just walking in a dream and suddenly wake up before reaching destiny. Usually I'm fucking tired when it happens :grumpy:
greenfreak said:
Alladin has a point, I don't think I would want to go that far with dreams. I think it's supposed to be freeform for a reason. Did you ever take part in it with her a13? Have you been able to do it?

Too lazy. :p

Alladin hit it on the nose, what she does as well is give you methods to help you realise you're dreaming. From there you're on your own.. :)
greenfreak said:
I think we discussed this before but do you ever notice if you have your senses (besides sight and hearing) in your dreams? If you do eat something, do you taste it? Smell something? Also do you dream in color? It goes both ways, some do some don't. I don't think I have senses in my dreams but I know I dream in color.

I have my full senses in my dreams. Also, if i run or something in a dream when i wake up i'm tired/sweaty and my heart is beating fast.
Does anyone else ever try to run or move quickly in dreams and it feels as if you're moving in water? It's really slow, like you're having to drag your limbs and they never move as fast as you want?
Scanty said:
Does anyone else ever try to run or move quickly in dreams and it feels as if you're moving in water? It's really slow, like you're having to drag your limbs and they never move as fast as you want?
Jesus, that's bizarre :rofl:
I usually feel that way when I've just gotten out of sleep paralysis and am trying to wake up.
Scanty said:
Does anyone else ever try to run or move quickly in dreams and it feels as if you're moving in water? It's really slow, like you're having to drag your limbs and they never move as fast as you want?

Holy crap, i feel the same way when im running in a dream, i guess im not the only one
Nihilistic said:
Holy crap, i feel the same way when im running in a dream, i guess im not the only one

That's very normal, dunno why but it's more the norm than the exception if you're trying to run away from something in a dream..
My dreams are mostly about running away from something chasing me. How Freudian is that. I asked that question because I've known quite a few people that have the same running problem. lol.
yeah, guess that is pretty common, same thing here.
and i have the same thing as luis has; most of the times when i realize that i'm dreaming, and i try to control it, then i am conscious and i wake up.
sometimes i realize that i'm dreaming, and i can prevent myself from waking up. after that point i can control my dreams for quite some time.
I have the slow-mo thing too but I'm usually going towards someone, trying to punch or kick them. I fight a lot with other people in my dreams for some reason.
Scanty said:
My dreams are mostly about running away from something chasing me. How Freudian is that. I asked that question because I've known quite a few people that have the same running problem. lol.

Yeah, i've had those dreams, seems like your legs are not fast enough or have no power :D

A similar problem happens to me, if i ever fight in a dream i feel like my arms have no strenght (hitting him and him not hurt) or that i can't reach the other guy's face, really weird.
Yeah, that's totally true. I try to fight people and it's like...where's all my speed!?

I had a dream once that mufu was fighting with some other guy and I tried to help him by stabbing this other guy, but I was so slow I acidentally stabbed my brother instead. :eek10: