Everything is falling into place


Staff member
Everything is falling place

This morning I received confirmation that I have been accepted into both of my programs of choice. The 4 year B. Eng program for civil engineering and also the 5 year B Eng and Mgmt for civil engineering. I want to do an internship (but I don't apply for that for another few years) so that will add yet another year.

Now all that is left is to hope I get into residence (which I should after they rearrange the list by sessional average) and also to decide in the next month or so if I am going with the 4 or the 5 year program :)

Ok, now that I typed that all calm....

:yell:I GOT INTO MY PROGRAMS OF CHOICE:yell: :cocktail:
Thanks everyone!!!

Oh, and if you REALLY wanna congradulate me Les I vote for the cartwheels, in the dress, no underwear :D