Ex-FEMA chief faults Homeland for slow response

Brownie has not said he's responsible, at least from what I've read. He points fingers, says it's the states fault, says its DHS's fault...he did nothing wrong. Bullshit. Everyone screwed up. The mayor, the govenor, FEMA, DHS, the execuitive branch. New Orleans was a grade-A clusterfuck from top to bottom.

Brown can say he "feel somewhat abandoned" all he wants, but who was eating in a high class Baton Rouge resturant while the regional director of FEMA was taking a dump in the Superdome hallway?
catocom said:
Kiss my ass chic....let me see if you're competent. :laugh5:

:lol: I'd like to help you out there, really I would...

Edit: I wonder what happens if you're only a competent ass-kisser.
chcr said:
Edit: I wonder what happens if you're only a competent ass-kisser.

for the record, I do believe there are a few competent ass-kissers, but
I think it's only a small point of a percent. :swing:
Wow so by that logic the guberment is responsible for um lessee
what? any daumn thing that happens?

and guess whut Buckos

guess who, in the final analysis that makes

you got it

those stupid-assed taxpayers

I say bool poopy

I ain't responsible for a buncha people on the other side
of the country that live below sea level at the end of hurricane alley!

try this on fer size

remember post 9-11 how the Feds took over airport
'security' ? well whata ya think was behind that little slip of the wrist?
Oh quit yur cryin' winkster. The taxes haven't been Raised.....yet.

I am still pissed at all the reports I've heard, about people from NO, turning
down donations of stuff that wasn't either money, or brand-new stuff.
The people in MS, and AL have a hellva lot more appreciation. You don't
hear all the pissing and moaning from them either, but they ARE still in the
same shape, in parts, as NO.
Ahh, taxes. The republicans are in power, taxes go down marginally and the deficit increases. When democrats are in power, taxes go up marginally and the deficit increases. Completely different, huh?
chcr said:
Ahh, taxes. The republicans are in power, taxes go down marginally and the deficit increases. When democrats are in power, taxes go up marginally and the deficit increases. Completely different, huh?

Another argument in favor of more (or at least permanent) tax cuts.

The people outside of NO proper don't have an automatic entitlement mentality. They understood they live in hurricane row & that they may have to rebuild...using their hard earned money & the insurance they worked hard to pay for. Much, if not most, of the noisy NO crowd believes its someone elses job to care for their lifestyle chioce.
Gonz said:
Another argument in favor of more (or at least permanent) tax cuts.

The people outside of NO proper don't have an automatic entitlement mentality. They understood they live in hurricane row & that they may have to rebuild...using their hard earned money & the insurance they worked hard to pay for. Much, if not most, of the noisy NO crowd believes its someone elses job to care for their lifestyle chioce.
Gonz said:
The people outside of NO proper don't have an automatic entitlement mentality. They understood they live in hurricane row & that they may have to rebuild...using their hard earned money & the insurance they worked hard to pay for. Much, if not most, of the noisy NO crowd believes its someone elses job to care for their lifestyle chioce.
you got that right. :headbang:

I'm looking at the damage and cleanup or stuff like streets, dumps.....
I'm saying there's more stuff to fix, past individuals property.
The stuff state taxes pays for, but can't keep up with ATM.

Say if your house get destroyed, it's just a pile of rubble...
You are going to try to clean it up. You've got a pickup, you load it....
then where do you take it when everything for 30 square miles is in the same shape?
Where do you get gas, food, and try to work a job, or if the job you had has been closed.
It sounds as if New Orleans will never be the same. I'm not certain if thats a good, or a bad, thing. Lotsa folks are gone forever.
Gonz said:
The people outside of NO proper don't have an automatic entitlement mentality.
Wow, that's so black and white it makes it easy now. Nobody outside of NO has an entitlement mentality and everyone in NO does. Therefore there is no reason to help anyone in NO that's had their life destroyed. So simple.

Now if there was an equally simple explanation for the difference between Bush's response and other presidents....

President: Nixon
Danger: Category-5 Hurricane Camille (August, 1969)
Area: About the same area as that affected by Katrina

Response: Nixon prepared the National Guard in advance, ordering rescue ships from Tampa, FL and Houston, TX to stand waiting along with over a thousand regular military, 24 helicopters to assist the Coast Guard and National Guard out as soon as the hurricane passed.

President: Bush 41
Danger: Category-5 Hurricane Andrew (August, 1992)
Area: Florida

Response: In the middle of a re-election campaign, Bush ceased campaigning the day before the hurricane, went to Washington, and assembled one of the largest military forces ever mustered on U.S. soil. Seven thousand National Guard and 22,000 regular military were sent in with the necessary equipment shortly after the hurricane passed through.

President: Clinton
Danger: Category-3 Hurricane Floyd (September, 1999)
Area: Virginia and Carolinas

Response: Meeting with China's president Jiang in New Zealand, Clinton immediately declared the hurricane-affected areas as federal disasters, allowing the military and National Guard to move in and help. Clinton flew home immediately, one day before the hurricane hit, to help coordinate the rescue.

President: Bush 43
Danger: Category-5 Hurricane Katrina (August, 2005)
Area: Gulf Coast

Response: National Guard troops are down about 8,000 members because they are in Iraq with much of the necessary rescue equipment needed. Bush was on vacation, riding his bike for two hours the day before the hurricane lands. On the day Katrina landed, Bush attended a birthday party for Arizona Sen. John McCain. The levees began to crack. While emergency 1.5-ton sandbags were ready to be placed to steady the levee and absorb water, there were insufficient numbers of helicopters and pilots to set them before the levees break. Nagin, the mayor of New Orleans, pleaded for federal-level assistance and got none. Bush went to San Diego to play guitar with a country singer and end his vacation early -- but not until the next day, because he had tickets to a San Diego Padres game.

you are missing one major factor there flav....
You show the catigory...wind Speed, but what is the area of coverage of the
damages done by each?
Ya'll better be a mindin' yer peas and queues
er ol' Dubya will put a Hurricane smackdown on yer ass.

and then he won't send in the National Guard
to keep you safe from the roving bands of homies
with AK's!

Anyone remember how martial law was revoked
and the 82nd Airbourne withdrawn?