Ex-Official Accuses Justice Department of Racial Bias in Black Panther Case

Osammie's Justice Department approves of the new Black Panthers

Ok lets cede this point to Minks

Blame Bush!

But you’ve got to admit the average non-racist non-commie American
would think that the DoJ dropping this case looks bad.

This defender of the regime wants you to focus on the fact that
Osama isn’t responsible for seemingly siding with a wannabe cracker baby killa?
Re: Osammie's Justice Department approves of the new Black Panthers

Ok lets cede this point to Minks

Blame Bush!

But you’ve got to admit the average non-racist non-commie American
would think that the DoJ dropping this case looks bad.

This defender of the regime wants you to focus on the fact that
Osama isn’t responsible for seemingly siding with a wannabe cracker baby killa?

um, yeah, or maybe i'm tired of moronic sensationalism. it's a very real threat that legitimate critique will get lost in the confetti of the idiot parade. you don't like what obama is doing? find something real.

BTW, looking at dates here and here one can understand the timing of the appointments of obama's DOJ team. none of them were confirmed by the time the voter intimidation decision was made. in fact, looking at the dates of the articles, they were announced just a few days before the decision. so, they'd gotten the jobs, but they had not started yet. end of story.
Why not, it worked for the jews all the way to the showers.

Re: Osammie's Justice Department approves of the new Black Panthers

Why? You'll just poo-poo it as made-up cracker nonsense.

if you actually read my posts for something other that opportunities to

a) mention something about the constitution
b) worship our savior luke skywalk...er... sarah palin... and/or,
c) make snarky comments about 'elites'

... you might actually notice that i have many objections to obama, and generally view him as quite a bit too far to the left.

but, yes, shit like this only serves to distract from real critique. you want a fucking circus, and that's what you got.

on one side you got arrogant mister too liberal, and on the other side, you got a bunch of lowbrows throwing out nonsense like church ladies moralizing about what might go on in the bathrooms of the local roller rink.

OK, minks, yea, you ocassionally throw out a chunknugget about how you don't really care about this or that. But you spend more time defending him than not. When someone calls him a spade (no, not the Winky spade), you tell us we're nutz & need to get a life.

Since the Constitution is the ultimate law of the land & the government may not surpass its limits, it's a worthwhile cause to remind folks that there is a limit.

I mention Gov Palin only when it is the topic. I like her stance. She's not my latest heart-throb.

Since the elites are the ones either running the show or snuggling up to those who do, they deserve snark. It reminds me of groupies. "I'll suck your dick if you touch me & say my name."
OK, minks, yea, you ocassionally throw out a chunknugget about how you don't really care about this or that. But you spend more time defending him than not. When someone calls him a spade (no, not the Winky spade), you tell us we're nutz & need to get a life.

i'm not defending HIM, i'm commenting on the dipshit circus.

example: you call obama a marxist. i comment that he is not a marxist. you think i'm defending him. i'm not. but you're certainly undermining your own critique with hyperbole. (and you're not even willing to learn what that term really means, but are content in your name-calling.)


...and there it is.

the difference is, gonz, when i'm throwing around stupid shit like calling palin "slugtrail" it's obvious that i'm not attempting serious commentary. your "commie" and other accusations are serious.
Step one is admitting you have a problem

Ah hah he finally admits it!
Took you long enough.