exaclty how many mac lovers do we have here?

Macrimination - the automatic assumption that whatever is wrong is caused by the sole Mac on the network

I only wish that I could be a MAC owner as well as a MAC lover :(

If only the littel fuckers weren't 3-4X the price of a comparable PC.

Working with graphics and layout programs...It should be worth the money... but it's money that I don't have.

/me goes back to his desk and hugs his PC.
"C'mon baybee...make me some cash so that I can get ri...er...upgrade you. :D"
HomeLAN said:
*who lives in a pineapple under the sea....*

Absorbant, and yellow, and porous is he
*mutter next few lines, something about a floppy fish

at the moment i'm on a small greek island...there's one computer, and its a mac. must be a wrong one, cause this one definately sucks. it's slow, the screen is crap. it's the lamp-styled one...

usually i like 'em. used to have macs for years (the really old ones) but now i just can't afford them. downside is that a lot of software that i need doesn't run on macs...
Shadowfax said:
downside is that a lot of software that i need doesn't run on macs...

Unfortunately, Apple has only themselves to blame. If they had open architecture from the beginning, IBM, et al, wouldn't have stood a chance. ;)

Now...back to Mac bashing...

Professur said:
Bish, if you want a Mac, tell me, I've got one heading for the trash. Where it belongs.:p

The Apple 2C's don't count :)

Unless you've got a nice G4 lying abouts waiting for demolition :D

I need power for Photoshop, Flash and InDesign. :)