Exponential self-importance


Southern Discomfort
So nobody can't claim I just made this up and whine about that, and such (you know who you are too)

More protests expected as torch reaches San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO -- The Olympic torch arrived for its only North American stop amid heavy security Tuesday, one day after its visit to Paris descended into chaos and activists here scaled the Golden Gate Bridge to protest China's human rights record.

Meanwhile, International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge said the committee would consider ending the international leg of the Beijing Olympic torch relay because of anti-Chinese protests.

Rogge told The Associated Press he was "deeply saddened" by violent protests in London and Paris and concerned about the upcoming torch relay in San Francisco, where activists expressed fears Monday that the torch's planned route through Tibet would lead to arrests and violent measures by Chinese officials trying to stifle dissent.

The flame arrived in San Francisco shortly before 4 a.m. Tuesday and was put in a vehicle to be whisked to an undisclosed location, San Francisco Olympic Torch Relay Committee spokesman David Perry said. No protesters were seen at the airport, but security was heightened because a several demonstrations were planned before the torch's six-mile relay Wednesday, including a relay supporting Tibetan independence.

"We treated it like a head of state visit," airport spokesman Mike McCaron said.

Three people climbed the Golden Gate Bridge on Monday and tied the Tibetan flag and two banners to its cables. The banners read "One World One Dream. Free Tibet," and "Free Tibet 08."

The bridge protest's organizers said they would remain faithful to their mission of protesting peacefully during the torch relay. They said they wanted to take full advantage of the international spotlight to get their message out.

"This is a life-or-death situation for Tibetans," said Yangchen Lhamo, an organizer of the banner-hanging who is on the board of directors of Students for a Free Tibet.

The California Highway Patrol said authorities would not try to go get the protesters who perched themselves on the Golden Gate Bridge out of concern for their safety.

Also Monday, Olympic organizers canceled the final leg of the Paris run after demonstrators scaled the Eiffel Tower, grabbed for the flame and forced security officials to repeatedly snuff out the torch and transport it by bus past demonstrators. China condemned the protests as "despicable" but vowed to continue the relay to the end.

Rogue said the IOC's executive board would discuss ending the international leg in a meeting Friday.

After San Francisco, the torch is scheduled to travel to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and then to a dozen other countries. It is scheduled to enter mainland China on May 4 for the host country's portion of the relay.

San Francisco officials said they were developing a plan that strikes a balance between protesters' rights to express their views and the city's ability to host a safe torch ceremony.

U.S. Olympic Committee Chairman Peter Ueberroth said in a statement the event was "an important moment for the city to show its character, hospitality and commitment to peace and tolerance."

"It must provide a proper forum for the peaceful expression of opinions and dissent. And it must safely and respectfully welcome the flame and honor the U.S. athletes and other participants who will carry the torch," Ueberroth said.

I can solve this problem. I can name this tune in two notes. This'n is easy.

Y'see, all you Sanny Fanny nutjobs and mishaps of DNA, they's somethin' y'all need t'git to unnerstandin here. It's right elementary, but it 'pears ain't nobody bothered to let you in on it. So allow me to do it.

Pay 'tention now...



Y'see Tad, it's like this here. You can disagree with China's role in Tibet all you like. No problem there. You can voice your displeasure over it down to th' Starbucks every day to anybody else ignernt enough to pay $20 for coffee until yer little heart bursts. Not one problem there. You can even write you one of them letters to th' editor about it. Call talk radio. Circulate you a petition. Hold meetins for all yer minivan soccer mom buddies to bring brownies to. I don't really care how much a tizzy you twist y'self into over it. It's all fine and dandy.


They's other people in this world too. Some of us ain't tied our 'testines up in knots over Tibet. Some of us recognize the symbolism of the Olympic torch. Some of us would like for our children to have the once in a lifetime chance to see it pass by. WITHOUT you and Bruce and Kneel-n-Bob and all the rest of you making a complete mockery of the event just to gain you a little blip of recognition.

In your monumental arrogance, you DEMAND that EVERYONE sit up and take notice of YOUR agenda.

Fuck you. (NOT an offer by the way, so back off bub)

So I propose to solve the problem right quick like. They said in the story that the torch was being treated like a visiting dignitary. Most times, they got snipers posted to ensure nothing happens to visiting dignitaries. So let's just blow you assholes to Hell when you decide to interrupt things for your own little reasons. I bet we won't have to kill more than two of you. (They's always one dumbass who don't figure it out the first time...) The greater good gets served, the squeaky wheel gets greased (down boy, I never said greased UP), and yer little froggie buddies over yonder in Surrenderland whar Paris is at (the city not the whore) gets to see what might be waitin on them too.

I fully expect the resident bandaged primate to shred this and ask a bunch of silly questions and evade any attempt at discussion. Why would anything change? So be it. I'll not post in this thread again. I said all I wanted to the first time. Anybody who thinks their little crusade is bigger than the whole or more important than allowing other people to witness history unmolested by a bunch of fruits with collective panty-wad issues can kiss each and every square acre of my rosy red ass. Tibet may well need assistance. They don't need this shit though.

Rip away.
it ain't all about you?

sorry, dude. you're fighting the last 30 years of american cultural, um, "evolution." we've become more selfish, complacent, and whiney than a typical 19 year-old piece of eurotrash. blustery couch commandos and ultrawimp kneejerk twits. whine whine whine whine.

"everyone's turning into pigs and commies... i can't let it happen to me."

well hopefully no one dropped their gerbil from the top of the golden gate. wouldn't want any innocent rodents hurt.

That's right, it's all about the DNA challenged folks in the south. :laugh:

They's other people in this world too. Some of us ain't tied our 'testines up in knots over Tibet.

They should realize that the important people don't care about human rights violations in Tibet or even human rights at all. They just want to gum their $20 grilled cheese sammich and molest their cousin while some fire runs by.

Some of us recognize the symbolism of the Olympic torch.

You probably mean Hitler's role in starting that symbolism. Yes, Hitler was great. He certainly never cared about human rights. Let's celebrate his legacy.

Some of us would like for our children to have the once in a lifetime chance to see it pass by.

Screw the people of Tibet pappy, I wanna see something shiny run by!

In your monumental arrogance, you DEMAND that EVERYONE sit up and take notice of YOUR agenda.

Clearly everyone should be focusing on your agenda of seeing a flame run by and not oppressed people.

So let's just blow you assholes to Hell when you decide to interrupt things for your own little reasons. I bet we won't have to kill more than two of you.

It's the fake christians that want to kill people over a little flame that are important here. Me, me, me, me , meeeeeeee wannnna seee shiny stuffs!

I fully expect the resident bandaged primate to shred this and ask a bunch of silly questions and evade any attempt at discussion. Why would anything change? So be it. I'll not post in this thread again.

You're going to evade any attempt at discussion while you accuse others? The hypocrisy is a funny touch.

Anybody who thinks their little crusade is bigger than the whole or more important than allowing other people to witness history

Anyone who thinks human rights violations are more important than a torch running by pseudo christians promoting illegal activity would have to be nuts.
I'll meet you in the middle (GOD FORBID!!!)

I agree with the sentiment of these protesters. China shoud get out of Tibet. China should back the fuck off of Taiwan. Most importantly, the IOC should be ashamed of itself for awarding China a damned thing. The largest communist government (being propped up by capitlaism) on the planet with an atrocious human rights record has no right to a economic boost from athletic games where peace & brotherhood once came before all else.

On the other hand, act like adults you stupid twits. There could be far better protestations that the violence that may ensue from this childish behavior. You won't do a thing to stop China with your actions, you will interfere with others time to shine & you will make yourself, and the rest of us, look bad.
I can respect that.

What violence will ensue from these protests though? The Golden Gate banner was a pretty impressive non-violent way to get some discussion on the situation. Grabs at the torch are confrontational and there's probably a better way.

Still more effective than doing nothing I imagine.

Lots of people didn't know a thing about it until now. I check out a lot of news and you don't hear about it normally. We hear about Ms. Spear's latest breakdown instead.
What violence will ensue from these protests though?

Wait & see. When one group of nitwits is trying to out thoughtpolice another group of dimwits, someone is bound to step ove the line.
Oh how cuuuuuuuuute

SAN FRANCISCO - The Olympic torch's round-the-world trip is the longest in Olympic history, and is meant to highlight China's rising economic and political power. But on the torch's sole North American stop, activists are also calling attention to the Olympic host's human rights record.

As runners carry the torch on its six-mile route Wednesday, they will compete not only with people protesting China's grip on Tibet and its support for the governments of Myanmar and Sudan, but also with more obscure activists. They include nudists calling for a return to the way the ancient Greek games were played.

Local officials say they support the diversity of viewpoints, but have heightened security following chaotic protests during the torch's stops in London and Paris and a demonstration Monday in which activists hung banners from the Golden Gate bridge.

"We are trying to accomplish two goals here. One is to protect the right to free speech and the other is to ensure public safety, and here in San Francisco we are good at both of those things," said Nathan Ballard, a spokesman for Mayor Gavin Newsom.

The torch is scheduled to travel a route hugging San Francisco Bay, but security concerns could prompt a last-minute change. Already, one runner who planned to carry the torch dropped out because of safety concerns, officials said.

Snipers. Lots of them. Get the nekkid weirdos first.
So nobody can't ever say I just made this up or anything (how ya doin there bud?)

SAN FRANCISCO -- The Olympic torch played hide and seek with thousands of demonstrators and spectators crowding the city's waterfront Wednesday before being spirited away without even a formal goodbye on its symbolic stop in the United States.

After its parade was rerouted and shortened to prevent disruptions by massive crowds of anti-China protesters, the planned closing ceremony at the waterfront was canceled and moved to San Francisco International Airport. The flame was put directly on a plane and was not displayed.

The last-minute changes to the route and the site of the closing ceremony were made amid security concerns following chaotic protests in London and Paris of China's human rights record in Tibet and elsewhere, but they effectively prevented many spectators who wanted to see the flame from witnessing the historic moment.

As it made its way through the streets of San Francisco, the flame traveled in switchbacks and left the crowds confused and waiting for a parade that never arrived. Protesters also hurriedly changed plans and chased the rerouted flame.

So lemme get this straig...oops, Sanny Fanny, forgot...Lemme get this figured out here.

We got all these offended sword swallowers runnin around hangin they flags off'n the bridge, makin their plans to take a fire extinguisher to th' torch, maps drawed out, top double secret spy stuff all laid out so they can "make their point"...and they re-route th' thing around 'em! :lol::lol::lol:

Can't you just iMAGine the caravan of Toyota Priuses runnin around tryin to find that thing?

Don't get me wrong. Tibet might be in a world of hurt. They might need a lot of help from every available source. I ain't arguin otherwise. My point is, the last thing they need is a bunch of nitwits like these goobers on their side. Haight-Ashbury is over dudes. Your parents might have met there, stoned out of their gourds and smellin like five day old fish from poor hygeine, but that don't mean we wanna hear this shit out of YOU.

Now back to your gated community and your overpriced perks. Your 15 minutes have passed you by. You meant less in the grand scheme of things than did Tammy Faye Bakker. Way to fuggin go.
SouthernNProud said:
paul_valaru said:
and that is how being stereotyped feels
Been there done that got the tshirt.

SouthernNProud said:
Stereotypes suck, huh?

SouthernNProud said:
Your parents might have met there, stoned out of their gourds and smellin like five day old fish from poor hygeine, but that don't mean we wanna hear this shit out of YOU.

Now back to your gated community and your overpriced perks.

SouthernNProud said:
*Whistles Dixie, thinks thoughts about double standards and hypocrisy

:laugh: :rofl3:

All silly generalizations, stereotypes, and hypocrisy aside. It seems like the protests were very successful at getting international coverage and discussion going on the human rights issues of Tibet.
Interesting how the truly important point gets swept aside in a sea of knee-jerking, isn't it?

China's rising economic and political power

Bread and circuses...
A billion people with Chinese Express cards & SUVs is bread & circuses?
Interesting how the truly important point gets swept aside in a sea of knee-jerking, isn't it?

Bread and circuses...

I was watching the torch bearers and couldn't help but feel sorry for them as what should have been an event of a lifetime has turned into a horror.
I was watching the torch bearers and couldn't help but feel sorry for them as what should have been an event of a lifetime has turned into a horror.


But it wasn't a total loss. Hundreds if not thousands of egos got fed, and nobody had to call Bob Geldolf to feed 'em either.
As I stated (and was ignored as usual by the spambot), I have no problem with Tibet getting anything they want. No dawg in that hunt. It's just mildly entertaining to watch these bowlegged morons make idiots of themselves again, this time in public. I got tons of causes I feel strongly about m'self. I just refrain from making spectacle of myself as I campaign for them. It's also a shame that so many thousands of people had to endure what they did so these wastes of DNA could jump up and down and holler "LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! ME!!!!!!!! I'M THE STORY HERE!!!!!!!"
Yep. At least 4 or 5 people know more now than leat week. Let's test 'em. See if they can find Tibet.

I'd guess many many people know more about it than last week. Getting this much bad press might even influence China's actions.
I got tons of causes I feel strongly about m'self. I just refrain from making spectacle of myself as I campaign for them.

You've made quite a spectacle of yourself here plenty of times about your causes. You just haven't been nearly as effective as these protesters.

It's also a shame that so many thousands of people had to endure what they did so these wastes of DNA could jump up and down and holler "LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! ME!!!!!!!! I'M THE STORY HERE!!!!!!!"

They were making the story about Tibet. You're the one shouting "ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! ME!!!!!!!! I'M THE STORY HERE!!!!!!!" with your continous whining about having to hear about human rights violations instead getting to watch your little Hitler torch.
A much more effective campaign would have been to gag themselves & hold signs & pictures, showing & explaining the carnage instead of stopping the torch with 2nd rate hoologan behavior.