
Professur said:
Are you kidding? During the times when the missus and I were broken off, I fucked like a rabbit. But that was simply dating and fucking. Noone was ever important enough to warrant the title EX.

EX, imho, applies when someone matters enough that you start making future plans and such. Simply having made an impression on my sheets doesn't qualify.

I guess that explains why I still refer to brainsoft as "my EX" and noone else I dated after him and before I met Chris gets refered to that way...he and I made the plans, etc etc...talk is cheap baby. Atleast I learned a lot from it...dunno if I ever loved him...looking back now I cared for him...did I love him? Or did I love not being alone?? I tend to lean towards the later...but at the time it seemed real so I guess he is my only ex :)
To answer the original questions

Even though I too am in the select club of not having
any ex's. When my Son broke up with his first GF I told him.

Never say a bad word about any former GF. When he broke up with his second GF (she dumped him and soon realized her mistake and wanted him back) I said never take an EX back. She had screwed around on him.

My next advice was "Think about the good times only"
There had to be many more good times than bad.

If you badmouth an EX it only serves to reflect poorly on YOU!!! Oh my former Husband\Wife is this and that! So why would you marry a person that was this and that?

If my Wife of 23 years and I ever divorced (it really is to late to trade a 44 yr old in for two 22 yr olds anyway isn't it? lol) I'd only remember the good things and never speak poorly of her EVER!
I thank God for my "X" helping me bring 2 beautiful Boys into this world! We SHARED some really good times to. But THANK GOD ABOVE---he is no longer part of my life (except for the boys-and he doesnt try to exsist in that part of life either..Damn Shame-HIS LOSS....)