fallopian dilemma


New Member
so today i go for my yearly female exam. this is not something that women are ethusiastic about. i get in the room (finally) and the doctor asks me "what are you here for today?" and i say "a PAP and my depo provera shot" and she says "well we need to talk about that". apparently, these new studies about long term depo use and a loss of bone density are being taken seriously by the government because medicaid will not let you stay on it longer than a year and a half. i love my depo. it's easy and not terribly permanent. but i can't stay on it.
there were a myriad of options but the only 2 viable options for me are an IUD or having my tubes tied...i've been leaning for the second.
i am posting this because i would like to discuss the idea of a divorcing, 30 year old mother of three having this procedure.
i think that my child bearing days are over. i have always wanted a son but i really don't think that is a logical choice for me....by the time i would be comfortable (emotionally and financially) having another child i will be able to do more of things that i have wanted to do for myself.
besides, i want to be able to provide for my children better than i was provided for and a third child would have it's toll in this regard...also, rob doesn't want to have any children of his own and seeing as how i am involved with rob and would like to stay so, a child would be a stressor.
so i should go ahead and do it, eh? get spayed?
maybe so...but let's fast forward a couple years. how knows what drama awaits. suppose something were to happen to my children? god forbid. would i ever want to start a new family? say rob and i are splitsville. will i
regret my decision if i ever were to enter another relationship? these are horrible thoughts but they should be considered.
both preocedures are invasive. but the tubal litigation is a one time deal. the IUD is reversable but it has to be inserted, removed, and replaced. each one is good for 5-10 years.
medicaid will cover both of these procedures for me...i just need to decide.
If Rob is completely sure that he doesn't want any child of his own, why not get the V.
OTOH, if you are completely sure, you can have the tubes tied.
rob is completely sure he doesn't want kids.
i think i am sure. i think any reservations i have are because i am a women of childbearing age and i am hardwired to love sweet little babies with chubby little cheeks.
Leslie said:

Definitely wait.

You still want more right now. There are no guarantees in life and maybe you and Rob don't fare so well - and you are not over the child bearing years, yet. Besides, Rob has kids now, right? Your two? Since Rob is so sure he doesn't want kids, then perhaps he should be the one going under the knife :D

(Sorry Robbie....heehee)
you could discuss with your doctor which ligation option has the best chance of being reversed.
granted, its not guarenteed that reversal would work, but it is worth discussing.
A tubal ligation would be free whereas getting my balls sliced up would cost $1000 US or so... plus lord knows how many other costs for various visits before and after.
Spirit said:
Definitely wait.

You still want more right now. There are no guarantees in life and maybe you and Rob don't fare so well - and you are not over the child bearing years, yet. Besides, Rob has kids now, right? Your two? Since Rob is so sure he doesn't want kids, then perhaps he should be the one going under the knife :D

(Sorry Robbie....heehee)
see, i don't think i do want more. the idea of a son is just the age old i want one of each dilemma. that and babies are so cute...i think that i'll enjoy having my toddlers grow up into kids. i'm not sure i'd want to start over.

rob is great with the kids...he just doesn't want to make any.
A vote from the father of one after 23+ years of marriage

Don't get a nasty invasive unneeded surgery to go wreckin'
the delicate reproductive machinery unless of course

you don't have any control over said machinery

My wife reacted very negatively to birth control pills
in 82 (a nasty monkeying with delicate balances) and
good old Trojans have allowed me to corral them lil' swimmer dudes
for a quarter century!

Next thing Wifey has to look forward to (44 yrs) is the cessation of the
delicate equipment. Don't mess with mother natural, she hates it!!!

Oh and Rob the Big V it just ain't right LMAO

When I read about the swimmer Doods busting out into guys
bloodstreams and wrecking havoc (the body sees them as foreign bodies)
I knew they were meant to swim free free free to the Sea!
tonksy said:
i think i am sure.


That quote says "I'm not sure." Do nothing...

if Rob is absolutely sure, it's a $50. copay with insurance. At least you don't live in an earthquake zone...with aftershocks as you enter the doctors office.
If you're having reservations I'd go with the IUD.

I have never been there but it's what I'd do I think.
there are probably horror stories about every type of medication out there. they all have side effects. some people have bad reactions, most dont.
That's a good point.

But why take something that CERTAINLY has
side effects (unless your reproductive system is already screwed up)
on an elective basis
Oh sorry I forgot this would be to keep from getting preggers lol

Capture them lil' guys and can em' if they don't swim
upstream problem solved.
and make sure you use the Planned Parenthood My Pretty Pony bubblegum flavored ones :rolleyes:
My vote is, go with the IUD or something else for a couple years.

I have to say, don't decide to do something this huge and probably permanent because you have to decide. Decide to do it when you have made a decision.
Leslie said:
I have to say, don't decide to do something this huge and probably permanent because you have to decide. Decide to do it when you have made a decision.

That has to be the wisest thing I've ever heard in a LOOOONG time.
Yep, yep, IUD sounds like the best option at the moment... at least until you're more sure about where you're at. I'm also considering getting the IUD... what did the doctor say about it? When's the best time to get one?